Persons affiliated with Osaka University

User category Requirements Books Periodicals, Data, WP
Graduate School of Economics
Faculty member
Professor emeritus
no limit1 monthno limit1 week
Graduate studentStudent ID Cardno limit1 monthno limittemporary use only
AlumniID Card/Library Cardno limittemporary use onlyno limittemporary use only
ex-faculty membersStudent ID Cardup to 52 weeksup to 10temporary use only
Faculty of EconomicsStudentStudent ID Cardup to 52 weeksno limittemporary use only
AlumniID Card/Library Cardup to 5temporary use onlyup to 10temporary use only
ex-faculty membersStudent ID Cardup to 52 weeksup to 10temporary use only
Other FacultyFaculty member and Staff
up to 52 weeksup to 10temporary use only
StudentStudent ID Cardup to 101 weekup to 10temporary use only

Persons from outside Osaka University

User categoryRequirementsBooksPeriodicals, Data, WP
VisitorsID Card/Library Cardup to 5temporary use onlyup to 10temporary use only

œOpening days and hours
ETerm-time opening hours: Monday - Friday@8:45 - 19:00
EVacation opening hours: Monday - Friday@8:45 - 17:00

EFor outside users and Alumni : Please bring an Identification card and a letter of introduction.
EBags F Not allowed to bring your bags into the Library.
EFood, Beverages, Mobile Phones, Smoking : Not permitted in the library.

EBooks@¨@Check out at the 2F Service Counter.
EPeriodicals@¨@Your Student ID Card can be used to check out from library.

ETake the materials to 2F Service Counter and wait until your materials have been completely checked by staff working at the counter before leaving.

EYou may renew materials unless they are overdue or other users have requested them.

EIf a book is on loan, you may reserve it. For reservation, please ask at the 2F Service Counter.
EYou will be informed by e-mail when the book is available to borrow.

ESelf-service photocopy machines are available.
EThey are operated with copy cards. The following are eligible:
@(1) Members of the Academic Staff of the Graduate School of Economics
@(2) Graduate Students of the Graduate School of Economics

œHow to use the 2nd Stacs (New Building B1F)
EPlease have your Student ID Card to Old Building 2F Service Counter.

EYour Student ID Card can be used to check out from library.

ETake the materials to Book Return at 2F Service Counter.

œOverdue Penalty
EIf you fail to return materials by the due date, further checkout services will be temporarily suspended.

œLoss and damage of library materials
EDamaged or missing materials should be immediately reported.
EReaders are expected to pay for lost or damaged materials.
