Web Site for
Advanced Econometrics I (undergraduate) &
Econometircs I (graduate) of 2017SY
Providing information of the class through this WEB pgae.
Students who take this class are expected to browse reguraly.
Course Plan (at 9/28)
The day represented bold letter shows finished contents, and the day represented normal letter shows planned contents.
# | dates | contents of the class | corresponding pages in the textbook |
other | assignment |
1 | April 12 | 1. Introduction 1.1 What is econometrics 1.2 The structure of this class 1.3 Quizzes for checking your knowledge on statistics |
NONE | [Additional References] HandOut#01 (PDF file) (updated at 4/26) |
2 | April 19 | 2. Linear Regression Models and the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) 2.1 Simple linear regression models 2.2 Matrix expression of the linear regression models |
Ch 2 (pp.52-64) Ch 3.2 (pp.66-68) Ch 3.5 (pp.79-81) |
HandOut#02 (PDF file) |
#02 (PDF file) Solution of #02 (PDF file) (5/10) |
3 | April 26 | 3. Geometry of the OLS 3.1 The Geometry of linear regression 3.2 FWL theorem and its application |
Ch 3.2 (pp.71-72) Ch 3.3 (pp.72-76) |
[Additional References] HandOut#03 (PDF file) |
#03 (PDF file) Solution of #03 (PDF file) (5/17) |
May 3 | National Holiday (Constitution Memorial Day) | ||||
4 | May 10 | 4. The Law of Large Numbers and the Central Limit Theorem 4.1 Convergence of Sequence of Functions 4.2 Concepts on Stochastic Convergence 4.3 Order of Magnitude in Random Sequences 4.4 The Law of Large Numbers 4.5 Central Limit Theorem |
Appendix D (pp.1107-1122) | [Additional References] [Note to HandOut#04] HandOut#04 (PDF file) |
#04 (PDF file) Solution of #04 (PDF file) (5/26) |
5 | May 17 | 5. Statistical Properties of the OLS estimator 5.1 Desirable properties of 'good' estimators 5.2 Unbiasness 5.3 Consistency 5.4 Efficiency 5.5 Regression residuals 5.6 The distribution of the OLS estimator b and the distribution of a test statistic |
Ch 4.1 (pp.91-92) Ch 4.3 (pp.94-103) Ch 4.4 (pp.103-112) |
HandOut#05 (PDF file) |
#05 (PDF file) Solution of #05 (PDF file) (5/31) |
6 | May 24 | 6. The OLS with Restriction and Other Topics 6.1 Tests of Several Restrictions 6.2 Restricted Least Squares 6.3 Misspecification of the Linear Regression Models 6.4 Prediction 6.5 Multi-colinearity |
Ch 5.3-5.5 (pp.152-165) Ch 4.3 (pp.96-98) Ch 4.6 (pp.120-121) |
[Additional References] HandOut#06 (PDF file) |
#06 (PDF file) Solution of #06 (PDF file) (6/7) |
7 | May 31 | 7. The Generalized Least Squares: Overview 7.1 Problems to be considered 7.2 The Generalized Least Squares (GLS) 7.3 The distribution of the GLS estimator 7.4 Some important proofs 7.5 The feasible GLS 7.6 Heteroscedasticity of the disturbances |
Ch 9.1-9.2 (pp.297-302) Ch 9.3 (pp.304-308) Ch 9.6 (pp.317-320) |
[Coverage of the Mid-term exam] [Note to HandOut#07] HandOut#07 (PDF file) |
#07 (PDF file) Solution of #07 (PDF file) (6/13) |
8 | June 7 | 7.7 Tests for hetroschedasticity 7.8 Calculation of the proper variance of the OLS estimator 8. The Generalized Least Squares: Application (1) 8.1 Autocorrelated Disturbances: Overview |
Ch 9.5 (pp.315-317) Ch 9.4 (pp.312-314) Ch 9.7 (pp.320-324) Ch 20.2 (pp.947-948) Ch 20.3 (pp.949-952) Ch 20.4 (p.953) |
[Note to HandOut #08] [Items which are allowed to place on the desk at the Mid-term exam] HandOut#08 (PDF file) |
#08 (PDF file) (6/13) Solution of #08 (PDF file) (6/29) |
9 | June 14 | Summary I (Mid-term exam) | |||
10 | June 21 | 8.2 The GLS estimation for AR(1) disturbances 8.3 A test for serially correlated disturbances 9. Analysis of Panel Data (The GLS: Application (2)) 9.1 Models for panel data 9.2 Proposed models for effects |
Ch 20.7 (p.963) Ch 20.9 (pp.966-969) Ch 14.7 (pp.597-599) Ch 11.2 (pp.384-389) Ch 11.3 (pp.389-392) |
HandOut#10 (PDF file) |
11 | June 28 | 9.3 Estimation of Fixed Effect Models 9.4 Estimation of Random Effect Models 9.5 The GLS Estimation of Random Effect Models 9.6 Attention to Estimating Random Effect Models 9.7 Seemingly Unrelated Regression: SUR |
Ch 11.3 (pp.397-398) Ch 11.4 (pp.399-410) Ch 11.5 (pp.410-420) Ch 10.2 (pp.332-336) |
[Note to HandOut#11] HandOut#11 (PDF file) (corrected 7/12) |
#11 (PDF file) (6/29) Solution of #11 (PDF file) (7/12) |
12 | July 5 | 10. Instrumental Variables Estimation 10.1 The Problem that We Have to Care 10.2 Instrumental Variables Estimators 10.3 The Two-Stage Least Squares (the 2SLS) 10.4 Small Sample Properties of the IV Estimator 10.5 Hypothesis Tests |
Ch 8.1 (pp.259-262) Ch 8.2 (pp.263-264) Ch 8.3 (pp.265-273) Ch 8.7 (pp.289-291) Ch 8.4 (pp.273-279) |
HandOut#12 (PDF file) |
#12 (PDF file) Solution of #12 (PDF file) (7/20) |
13 | July 12 | 11. Maximum Likelihood Estimation 11.1 Foundation of the Maximum Likelihood Method 11.2 The Distribution of the MLE 11.3 Asymptotic Efficiency of the MLE |
Ch 14.2 (pp.549-551) Ch 14.3 (pp.551-553) Ch 14.4 (pp.553-563) |
HandOut#13 (PDF file) |
#13 (PDF file) Solution of #13 (PDF file) (7/26) |
14 | July 19 | 11.4 An Example of the ML estimation: Inference of p for the Bernoulli Distribution 12. Tests Based on the Likelihood Ratio 12.1 What is a "Good" Test? 12.2 Example: Linear Regression with Normal Errors |
Ch 14.6 (pp.564-572) Ch 14.9 (pp.588-589) |
HanoOut#14 (PDF file) |
#14 (PDF file) Solution of #14 (PDF file) (7/26) |
15 | July 26 | 12.2 Example: Linear Regression with Normal Errors (cont'd) 13. Summary II |
Ch 14.9 (pp.589-592) | HandOut#15 (PDF file) [Inquiry your available dates for supplementary classes] (updated 8/10) |
16 | August 2 | Final Exam | [Score of the final exam] | Solution of the final exam (PDF file) (8/10) |
17 | September 27 | 14. Time Series Models | Ch 20.4 (pp.952-957) | [About supplementary classes] HandOut#99 (PDF file) (revised at 9/28) |
18 | 15. Unit Root and Co-integration | Ch 21.2 (pp.982-995) Ch 21.3 (pp.999-1010) |
Supplementary notes, etc.
[Addtional references]
The article on the emergence of econometrics which I introduced in the class is
Frish, R. (1933), "Editor's Note," Econometrica, Vol.1 (1), pp.1-4.
In addition,
Roos, C.F. (1933), "Constitution of the Econometric Society," Econometrica, Vol. 1 (1), pp. 106-108.
Christ, C.F. (1953), "History of the Cowles Commission 1932-1952," in Cowles Commission for Research
in Economics eds., Economic theory and measurement; a twenty year research report, 1932-1952,
U. of Chicago. (available from http://cowles.yale.edu/sites/default/files/files/pub/misc/history-cowles.pdf )
are also existed.
On the relation among philosopy of science, economics, and econometrics, please read
Chap.6 "Progress in Economics" of
Dow, S.C. (2002), Economic Methodology: an inquiry, Oxford U.P. ,
for example.
For the history of econometics,
Morgan, M.S. (1990), The history of econometric ideas, Cambridge U. P.
is higly recomended.
#03 April 26, 2017
[Additional references]
For detailed explanation on issues which handled in Today's class,
reading pp.42-75 of
Davidson, R. and MacKinnon, J.G. (2004), Econometric Theory and Methods, Oxford U.P.
is highly recommended.
#04 May 10, 2017
[Additional reference]
The following books would be helpful for reviewing Today's class.
Chapter 18-20 and 22-23 of Davidson, J. (1994) Stochastic Limit Theory,
Oxford Univ. Press.
Chapter 17, 18, 20, and 21 of Jacod, J. and Protter, P. (2004) Probability
Essentials, Springer.
Chapter 6 and 7 of Bierens, H.J. (2004) Introduction to the Mathematical
and Statistical Foundations
of Econometrics, Cambridge Univ. Press
[Note to HandOut#04]
As I noticed in the class, there is typo in Theorem 4.5.1 of slide page
Please download the corrected version from this home page and replace
the distributed handout with it.
#06 May 24, 2017
[Additional reference]
For more detailed explanation of the ridge regression, the followings
would be helpful.
pp.60-61 of Amemiya, T. (1985) Advanced Econometrics, Harvard Univ.
Hoerl, A.E. and Kennard, R.W. (1970), "Ridge Regression: Biased
Estimation for Nonorthogonal Problems,"
Technometrics, 12 (1), pp.55-67.
Conniffe, D. and Stone, J. (1973) "A Critical View of Ridge Regression,"
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society,
Series D (The Statistician), 22 (3), pp.181-187.
#07 May 31, 2017
[Coverage of the Mid-term exam]
The Coverage is from #02 to #07.
[Note to HandOut#07]
As I noticed in the class, there is many typos.
Please download the corrected version from this home page and replace
the distributed handout with it.
#08 June 7, 2017
[Note to HandOut#08]
I found that there are many mistyped numbers; section numbers and equation
Please download the corrected version from this home page and replace
the distributed handout with it.
[Items which are allowed to place on the desk at the Mid-term exam]
pen, pencil, eraser, watch, electronic calculator, and IC dictionary
<NOTE> cell phone and smart-phone are not allowed to place on the
#11 June 28, 2017
[Note to HandOut#11] (Noted at 7/12)
TAs found that there is a typo in the HandOut#11.
Slide page 15 line 3, "(k-1) degree of freedom" should be "k degree of freedom."
Please download the corrected version from this home page and replace the distributed handout with it.
#14 July 26, 2017
[Inquiry your available dates for supplementary classes]
Please download the sheet here (docx file) and send your answer by e-mail.
Only 3 students has sent the sheet. Please send your answer as soon as
possible ! (8/10)
#16 August 2, 2017
[Score of the final exam]
Distribution of the final exam score can be downloaded here (pdf file).
#17, 18 September 27, 2017
[About supplementary classes] (9/19)
Supplementary classes will be given at
16:00-18:30 September 27, 2017
#509 seminar room