TSP Version 5.0 ( 3/28/06) MacOS X Term 4MB Copyright (C) 2006 TSP International ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 05/11/09 6:22 PM In case of questions or problems, see your local TSP consultant or send a description of the problem and the associated TSP output to: TSP International P.O. Box 61015 Palo Alto, CA 94306 USA PROGRAM COMMAND *************************************************************** 1 freq a; 2 smpl 1980 1985; 3 read ch; 3 140 141 147 152 156 160; 4 read gnp; 4 240 249 256 265 278 291; 5 read aaa; 5 0 1 0 1 0 1; 6 ?print ch gnp; 6 ?plot ch + gnp *; 6 ?graph ch gnp; 6 olsq ch c gnp; 7 olsq ch c gnp aaa; 8 end; EXECUTION ******************************************************************************* Current sample: 1980 to 1985 Equation 1 ============ Method of estimation = Ordinary Least Squares Dependent variable: CH Current sample: 1980 to 1985 Number of observations: 6 Mean of dep. var. = 149.333 LM het. test = .314949 [.575] Std. dev. of dep. var. = 8.09115 Durbin-Watson = 2.05615 [.276,.784] Sum of squared residuals = 11.1299 Jarque-Bera test = .374523 [.829] Variance of residuals = 2.78248 Ramsey's RESET2 = .717497 [.459] Std. error of regression = 1.66808 F (zero slopes) = 113.641 [.000] R-squared = .965998 Schwarz B.I.C. = 12.1590 Adjusted R-squared = .957498 Log likelihood = -10.3673 Estimated Standard Variable Coefficient Error t-statistic P-value C 38.6271 10.4073 3.71155 [.021] GNP .420670 .039462 10.6602 [.000] Equation 2 ============ Method of estimation = Ordinary Least Squares Dependent variable: CH Current sample: 1980 to 1985 Number of observations: 6 Mean of dep. var. = 149.333 LM het. test = .086685 [.768] Std. dev. of dep. var. = 8.09115 Durbin-Watson = 2.03359 [.013,1.00] Sum of squared residuals = 9.43716 Jarque-Bera test = .611096 [.737] Variance of residuals = 3.14572 Ramsey's RESET2 = .886779 [.446] Std. error of regression = 1.77362 F (zero slopes) = 50.5284 [.005] R-squared = .971170 Schwarz B.I.C. = 12.5600 Adjusted R-squared = .951949 Log likelihood = -9.87232 Estimated Standard Variable Coefficient Error t-statistic P-value C 36.6421 11.3918 3.21653 [.049] GNP .430328 .043975 9.78563 [.002] AAA -1.11339 1.51777 -.733566 [.516] ******************************************************************************* END OF OUTPUT. MEMORY USAGE: ITEM: DATA ARRAY TOTAL MEMORY UNITS: (4-BYTE WORDS) (MEGABYTES) MEMORY ALLOCATED : 500000 4.0 MEMORY ACTUALLY REQUIRED : 543 2.1 CURRENT VARIABLE STORAGE : 349