Discussion Papers in Economics and BusinessGraduate School of Economics, Osaka University
論文リスト / Papers List
- 2025年
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25-02-Rev. | Tax Reform on Monopoly Platformer in Borderless Economy: The Incidence on Prices and Efficiency Consequences * Revised: [25-02, 2025] |
Shigeo Morita, Yukihiro Nishimura, Hirofumi Okoshi | February 2025 |
25-02 | Tax Reform on Monopoly Platformer in Borderless Economy: The Incidence on Prices and Efficiency Consequences | Shigeo Morita, Yukihiro Nishimura, Hirofumi Okoshi | February 2025 |
25-01 | Political Economy of Non-Compliance with the Golden Rule of Public Finance | Yuki Uchida, Tetsuo Ono | January 2025 |
22-07 | Exploring The Predictors and Mechanism of Protean Career Orientation in Eastern Context: The Effect of Yin-Yang Values, Career Adaptability, and Traditional Gender Role Beliefs | Zhuo Zhang, Jie Li, Tomoki Sekiguchi | November 2022 |
22-06 | A demographic and nutritional analysis of urban lower-class dwellers in modern Japan: the case of one Saimin-chiku in Tokyo, ca.1930 | Kenichi Tomobe, Minori Oshidari, Keisuke Moriya | November 2022 |
22-05 | Corporate sustainability, investment, and capital structure | Michi NISHIHARA | November 2022 |
22-04 | 江戸小判六十目 | 鈴木敦子 | October 2022 |
22-03 | Existence of Monetary Equilibrium for Overlapping Generations Economies with Satiated Agents | KEN URAI, HIROMI MURAKAMI, TAKAHIRO MORIYA | August 2022 |
22-02 | Pitch Call Discrimination in Major League Baseball: The Effect on the Observed Performance and the Salaries | Reio Tanji | August 2022 |
22-01 | 日本株式を対象としたサステナビリティ・テーマ型指数のボラティリティ分析 | 齋藤周, 谷崎久志 | June 2022 |
21-28 | Naive Agents with Non-unitary Discounting Rate in a Monetary Economy | Koichi Futagami, Daiki Maeda | March 2022 |
21-27 | 日本株式を対象としたESG総合型指数のボラティリティ分析 | 齋藤周 | February 2022 |
21-26 | Taxing mobile and overconfident top earners | Andreas HAUFLER, Yukihiro NISHIMURA | February 2022 |
21-25 | 日本市場におけるPost-Earnings Announcement Drift と流動性の分析 | 笠原晃恭, Xin Zhong | January 2022 |
19-18 | Dynamic analysis of demographic change and human capital accumulation in an R& D-based growth model | Kohei Okada | December 2019 |
19-17 | Height, nutrition and the side production of sericulture and carp feeding in modern rural Japan (1) aggregate data analysis: the case of Zakouji-village, Shimo-Ina gun, Nagano, 1880s-1930s | Kenichi Tomobe, Takako Kimura, Keisuke Moriya | November 2019 |
19-16 | Mining pollution and infant health in modern Japan: from village/ town statistics of infant mortality | Keisuke Moriya, Kenichi Tomobe | November 2019 |
19-15 | Coordination and free-riding problems in blood donations | Ai Takeuchi, Erika Seki | October 2019 |
19-14 | Public debt rule breaking by time-inconsistent voters | Ryo Arawatari, Tetsuo Ono | October 2019 |
19-04-Rev. | Can “Child Benefit” overcome the low fertility rate in Japan? Effects of Child
Benefit Policy Expansion * Revised:Could the Child Benefit Save the Low Fertility Country?: Evidence from the
Expansion of Child Benefit Policy in Japan [19-04, 2019] | Shinsuke Asakawa | October 2019 |
19-13 | Is Environmental Tax Harmonization Desirable in Global Value Chains? | Haitao Cheng, Hayato Kato, Ayako Obashi | September 2019 |
18-10-Rev. | Corruption, mortality rates, and development: Policies for escaping from the poverty trap * Revised:Corruption, Mortality and Fertility Rates, and Development [18-10, 2018] | Kiyoka Akimoto | September 2019 |
19-12 | The effects of asset liquidity on dynamic bankruptcy decisions | Michi NISHIHARA, Takashi SHIBATA | September2019 |
19-11 | Long-Term Consequences of Group Work in Japanese Public Elementary Schools | Kohei Kubota, Takahiro Ito, Fumio Ohtake | August 2019 |
17-32-Rev. | 20世紀初頭米国の開墾局と農務省による農業問題への取りくみ * Revised:20世紀初頭米国の内務省開墾部・局の役割―最初の5事業の農作物収益額に対して― [17-32, 2017] | 日高 卓朗 | August 2019 |
19-10 | 消費税における閾値と小規模企業の集積:2019年増税への展望 | 市川 翼, メナカ アルドチュルワン, 恩地 一樹 | July 2019 |
19-06-Rev. | Earnings gaps among higher-educated workers within main cities
in semi-industrialized and newly industrialized Asian countries * Revised: [19-06, 2019] | Mamiko Takeuchi | July 2019 |
19-09 | 「組織を背負う意識」の弁別性、効果および規定要因に関する考察 | 中村 彰芳, 長縄 孝久, 湯口 亮太, 神 洋子, 開本 浩矢 | June 2019 |
19-08 | The impacts of pollution control policies on the pollution in small open economies | Koichi Futagami, Yasuhiro Nakamoto | May 2019 |
19-07 | Educational funds and economic growth: private versus public funds | Kohei Okada | May 2019 |
19-06 | Earnings gaps among higher-educated workers within main cities in semi-industrialized and newly industrialized Asian countries | Mamiko Takeuchi | April 2019 |
19-05 | ラボ実験を用いた時間制限下の不正行為の検証 | 鶴田まなみ, 犬飼佳吾 | April 2019 |
18-05-Rev.2 | Generational Conflict and Education Politics: Implications for Growth and Welfare * Revised:[18-05-Rev., 2018] | Yuki Uchida, Tetsuo Ono | April 2019 |
19-04 | Could the Child Benefit Save the Low Fertility Country?: Evidence from the Expansion of Child Benefit Policy in Japan | Shinsuke Asakawa | April 2019 |
19-03 | Old age or dependence. Which social insurance? | Yukihiro Nishimura, Pierre Pestieau | April 2019 |
19-02 | Firm Size Distribution and Variable Elasticity of Demand | Yuichiro Matsumoto | March 2019 |
19-01 | Real options with illiquidity of exercise opportunities | Michi Nishihara | March 2019 |
18-33-Rev. | Welfare Implications of Mitigating Investment Uncertainty
* Revised: [18-33, 2018] | Takayuki Ogawa, Jun Sakamoto | December 2018 |
18-33 | Welfare Implications of Mitigating Investment Uncertainty | Takayuki Ogawa, Jun Sakamoto | December 2018 |
18-32 | Management Cycles | Shingo Ishiguro | November 2018 |
18-05-Rev. |
Generational Conflict and Education Politics: Implications for Growth and Welfare
* Revised:Capital Income Taxation, Economic Growth, and the Politics of Public Education [18-05, 2018]
| Yuki Uchida, Tetsuo Ono | November 2018 |
18-31 | Monetary and Fiscal Policy in a Cash-in-advance Economy with Quasi-geometric Discounting | Daiki Maeda | November 2018 |
18-30 | The Review of Language Studies in International Business: Suggestions and Future Directions for Japan | Ting Liu | November 2018 |
18-29 | Spousal gaps in age and identity, and their impact on the allocation of housework | Eiji Yamamura, Yoshiro Tsutsui | October 2018 |
18-17-Rev. | 外部資金等の研究財源と論文生産性の関係―旧七帝大を対象にした部局レベルの実証分析―
* Revised: [18-17, 2018]
| 宮錦三樹, 岡嶋裕子 | October 2018 |
18-28 | Racers’ attractive looks, popularity, and performance: How do speedboat racers react to fans’ expectations? | Eiji Yamamura, Ryohei Hayashi, Yoshiro Tsutsui, Fumio Ohtake | October 2018 |
18-27 | Fiscal Rules in a Monetary Economy: Implications for Growth and Welfare | Tetsuo Ono | August 2018 |
18-26 | Functional and Linguistic Bridging in Multinational Corporations: Moderating Effect of Cultural Identity Integration | Ting Liu, Tomoki Sekiguchi, Wirawan Dony Dahana | August 2018 |
18-25 | Liquidation, fire sales, and acquirers’ private information | Michi Nishihara, Takashi Shibata | August 2018 |
18-24 | Optimal Mechanism Design with Resale: An Ex-Ante Price Default Model | Weiye Cheny | July 2018 |
18-23 | Credit and Bankruptcy in a Temporary Equilibrium Model | Weiye Cheny | July 2018 |
18-22 | Political Economy of Taxation, Debt Ceilings, and Growth | Tetsuo Ono, Yuki Uchida | July 2018 |
18-21 | Male pupils taught by female homeroom teachers show higher preference for Corporate Social Responsibility in adulthood | Eiji Yamamura, Yoshiro Tsutsui, Shunsuke Managi | July 2018 |
18-20 | Endogenous Sunk Cost, Scale Economies, and Market Concentration | Yuichiro Matsumoto | July 2018 |
18-19 | 明治期繊維企業の統合政策―京都綿子ル社を事例に― | 亀井大樹 | June 2018 |
18-18 | Being There: The Role of Mindfulness in the Entrepreneurial Process | Saddam Khalid | June 2018 |
18-17 | 外部資金等の研究財源と論文生産性の関係―旧七帝大を対象にした部局レベルの実証分析― | 宮錦三樹, 岡嶋裕子 | June 2018 |
18-15-Rev. | Labor unions and internationally mobile firms: A general oligopolistic equilibrium model analysis
* Revised:労働組合と企業の立地 寡占一般均衡モデル [18-15, 2018]
| Hosaki Sano | May 2018 |
18-16 | Stability and Universal Implementability of the Price Mechanism | Kohzo Shiraishi, Ken Urai, Hiromi Murakami | May 2018 |
18-15 | 労働組合と企業の立地 寡占一般均衡モデル | 佐野穂先 | May 2018 |
18-14 | The endogenous decisions of unionization and international trade: A general oligopolistic equilibrium model analysis | Hosaki Sano | May 2018 |
18-13 | ティック・サイズ縮小と指値注文板が持つ価格情報の関係について | 畠中賢治 | May 2018 |
18-12 | Intergenerational policies, public debt, and economic growth: a politico-economic analysis | Real Arai, Katsuyuki Naito, Tetsuo Ono | April 2018 |
15-30-Rev. | Innovation by Heterogeneous Leaders
* Revised: [15-30, 2015]
| Tatsuro Iwaisako, Kazuyoshi Ohki | April 2018 |
18-11 | Capital Accumulation Game with Quasi-Geometric Discounting and Consumption Externalities | Koichi Futagami, Yuta Nakabo | April 2018 |
18-10 | Corruption, Mortality and Fertility Rates, and Development | Kiyoka Akimoto | April 2018 |
18-09 | Transition from a Linear Economy toward a Circular Economy in the Ramsey Model | Kiyoka Akimoto, Koichi Futagami | April 2018 |
18-07 | Nonlinear Effects of the Transport Costs on the Wage Inequality | Yuichiro Matsumoto | March 2018 |
18-06 | The Effects of International Linkages on Labor Demand by Skill Group | Haruka Yane | March 2018 |
18-05 | Capital Income Taxation, Economic Growth, and the Politics of Public Education | Tetsuo Ono, Yuki Uchida | February 2018 |
16-24-Rev. | Age Gap in Voter Turnout and Size of Government Debt
* Revised: [16-24, 2016]
| Ryo Arawatari, Tetsuo Ono | February 2018 |
18-04 | Time-Inconsistent Discounting and the Friedman Rule: The Role of Non-Unitary Discounting | Takeo Hori, Koichi Futagami | February 2018 |
18-03 | Moral Hazard and Target Budgets | Shingo Ishiguro, Yosuke Yasuda | February 2018 |
18-02 | Changing demand for general skills, technological uncertainty, and economic growth | Masashi Tanaka | January 2018 |
17-11-Rev. | 企業間のディスクロージャーの違いが株式プレミアムに与える影響に関する実証分析
* Revised: 情報偏在による株式プレミアムの実証分析[17-11, 2017]
| 坂本淳 | January 2018 |
18-01 | 結婚と幸福:サーベイ | 筒井義郎 | January 2018 |
16-33 | Sustainability of the public debt and wealth inequality in a general equilibrium model | Noritaka Maebayashi, Kunihiko Konishi | December 2016 |
16-32 | マイナス金利政策の効果 | 本多佑三 | December 2016 |
16-31 | Technology Diffusion, Pareto Distribution, and Patent Policy | Keiichi Kishi | December 2016 |
16-30 | Conflict, Institutions, and Economic Behavior: Legacies of the Cambodian Genocide | Katsuo Kogure, Yoshito Takasaki | December 2016 |
16-29 | 人口高齢化と公教育費の変遷―高齢者はどの教育段階を支持するか― | 宮錦三樹, 木村真樹 | November 2016 |
16-28 | Selling out or going public? A real options signaling approach | Michi Nishihara | November 2016 |
16-27 | The Direction of Strategic Delegation and Voter Welfare in Asymmetric Tax Competition Models | Yukihiro Nishimura, Kimiko Terai | November 2016 |
16-26 | Effects of pregnancy and birth on smoking and drinking behaviors: a comparative study between men and women | Eiji Yamamura, Yoshiro Tsutsui | November 2016 |
16-25 | Macroeconomic Dynamics with Limited Commitment in Financial and Labor Contracts | Shingo Ishiguro | October 2016 |
16-24 | Age Gap in Voter Turnout and Size of Government Debt | Ryo Arawatari, Tetsuo Ono | October 2016 |
15-03-Rev. | Optimal disaster-preventive expenditure in a dynamic and stochastic model
* Revised: [15-03, 2015]
| Takumi Motoyama | October 2016 |
16-23 | Forecasting extreme seasonal tourism demand | Niematallah Elamin, Mototsugu Fukushige | September 2016 |
16-22 | A Quantile Regression Model for Electricity Peak Demand Forecasting: An Approach to Avoiding Power Blackouts | Niematallah Elamin, Mototsugu Fukushige | September 2016 |
16-01-Rev. | Human Capital, Public Debt, and Economic Growth: A Political Economy Analysis
* Revised: [16-01, 2016]
| Tetsuo Ono, Yuki Uchida | August 2016 |
15-17-Rev.2 |
Revealed Preference Test and Shortest Path Problem; Graph Theoretic Structure of the Rationalizability Test
* Revised: [15-17-Rev., 2015] | Kohei Shiozawa | August 2016 |
16-21 | Optimal Capital Income Taxation in the Case of Private Donations to Public Goods | Shigeo Morita, Takuya Obara | August 2016 |
16-20 | Comparing the role of height between men and women in the marriage market | Eiji Yamamura, Yoshiro Tsutsui | July 2016 |
16-19 | 博覧会と農作物の産地ブランドの形成―近代日本の「青森」「津軽」の林檎に注目して― | 白井泉 | July 2016 |
14-34-Rev. | 日本人はどんな県に住みたいのか?:人々の居住県選択と地域の特性
* Revised: [14-34, 2014]
| 山根智沙子, 山根承子, 筒井 義郎 | July 2016 |
14-17-Rev.2 | Aging, Pensions, and Growth
* Revised:Economic Growth and the Politics of Intergenerational Redistribution [14-17-Rev., 2015]
| Tetsuo Ono | June 2016 |
16-18 | An Update of the Returns to Education in Kenya: Accounting both endogeneity and sample selection biases | Kentaro Shimada, Zeba Khan, Suguru Mizunoya, Ayako Wakano | May 2016 |
16-17 | Inequality and Education Choice | Tetsuo Ono, Yuki Uchida | May 2016 |
16-16 | The association between time preference and smoking behavior: A dynamic panel analysis | Takahiro Miura | May 2016 |
16-15 | The effect of locally hired teachers on school outcomes (the Dose response function estimation evidence from Kenya) | Ayako Wakano | May 2016 |
16-14 | The effect of ratio between PTA teachers and Government employed teachers on Education outcomes in Kenya Primary Schools | Ayako Wakano | May 2016 |
16-13 | Demographics and tax competition in political economy | Tadashi Morita, Yasuhiro Sato, Kazuhiro Yamamoto | May 2016 |
16-12 | Managerial Reputation, Risk-Taking, and Imperfect Capital Markets | Koji Asano | May 2016 |
16-11 | 集団的意思決定における時間選好―経済実験― | 鶴田まなみ | May 2016 |
16-10 | Universality and Efficiency of Price Mechanism based on an Expansion Possibility of Economies | Kohzo Shiraishi, Ken Urai, Hiromi Murakami | May 2016 |
16-09 | Replica Core Limit Theorem for Economy with Satiation | Hiromi Murakami, Ken Urai | April 2016 |
16-08 | Local Independence, Monotonicity and Axiomatic Characterization of Price-Money Message Mechanism | Ken Urai, Hiromi Murakami | April 2016 |
16-07 | Default and liquidation timing under asymmetric information | Michi Nishihara, Takashi Shibata | April 2016 |
16-06 | Environmental Policy Effects: An R&D-based Economic Growth Model with Endogenous Labour Supply | Yoshihiro Hamaguchi | April 2016 |
16-05 | Does ISO14001 raise firms’ awareness of environmental protection?―Case from Vietnam | Bin Ni, Hanae Tamechika, Tsunehiro Otsuki, Keiichiro Honda | March 2016 |
16-04 | Productivity Gap and Vertical Spillover: Evidence from Vietnam | Bin Ni | March 2016 |
16-03 | From Physical to Human Capital Accumulation with Pollution | Takumi Motoyama | March 2016 |
14-37-Rev.2 | Pensions, Education, and Growth: A Positive Analysis
* Revised: [14-37-Rev., 2015] | Tetsuo Ono, Yuki Uchida | March 2016 |
15-31-Rev. | An Axiomatic Characterization of the Price-Money Message Mechanism
* Revised: [15-31, 2015] | Ken Urai, Hiromi Murakami | March 2016 |
16-02 | 21世紀における、世界主要半導体企業のM&A(合併、買収)およびDivestiture(売却)の分析 | 中屋雅夫, 中村文亮, 魏暁丹, 中川功一 | February 2016 |
16-01 | Human Capital, Public Debt, and Economic Growth: A Political Economy Analysis | Tetsuo Ono, Yuki Uchida | January 2016 |
15-31 | An Axiomatic Characterization of the Price-Money Message Mechanism | Ken Urai, Hiromi Murakami | December 2015 |
15-30 | Innovation by Heterogeneous Leaders | Tatsuro Iwaisako, Kazuyoshi Ohki | November 2015 |
15-29 | 呉服太物の価格設定―奈良屋杉本家を中心に― | 鈴木敦子 | November 2015 |
15-28 | Retail Networks and Real Estate: the case of Swiss luxury watches in China and Southeast Asia | Thierry Theurillat, Pierre-Yves Donzé | October 2015 |
15-27 | Public nursery school costs and the effects of the funding reforms in Japan | Miki Miyaki | October 2015 |
15-26 | Productivity, Capital Intensity and ISO14001 Adoption―Theory and Evidence from Vietnam | Bin Ni | October 2015 |
15-25 | International intellectual property rights protection and economic growth with costly transfer | Kazuyoshi Ohki | October 2015 |
15-24 | Issue selection flexibility and strategic rigidity: Lessons from Sharp’s crisis | Koichi Nakagawa, Yoichi Matsumoto | October 2015 |
15-01-Rev. | Inequality and Public Debt: A Positive Analysis
* Revised: [15-01, 2015] | Tetsuo Ono, Ryo Arawatari | September 2015 |
15-23 | 失業給付と子ども数 | 池田亮一 | September 2015 |
15-16-Rev.3 |
Large-Scaled Chain Stores versus Small-Scaled Local Stores of the Local Production for Local Consumption
* Revised: [15-16-Rev.2, 2015] | Hiroaki Sandoh, Risa Suzuki | September 2015 |
14-30-Rev. | Growth, Unemployment, and Fiscal Policy: A Political Economy Analysis
* Revised: [14-30, 2014]
| Tetsuo Ono | September 2015 |
14-17-Rev. | Economic Growth and the Politics of Intergenerational Redistribution
* Revised: [14-17, 2014]
| Tetsuo Ono | September 2015 |
15-16-Rev.2 |
Large-Scaled Chain Stores versus Small-Scaled Local Stores of the Local Production for Local Consumption
* Revised:Large-Scaled Chain Stores versus Small-Scaled Local Stores [15-16-Rev., 2015] | Hiroaki Sandoh, Risa Suzuki | August 2015 |
15-22 | Asset sale, debt restructuring, and liquidation | Michi Nishihara, Takashi Shibata | August 2015 |
15-21 | Education, Social Mobility, and Talent Mismatch | Yuki Uchida | August 2015 |
12-08-Rev.3 | Dynamic analysis of reductions in public debt in an endogenous growth model with public capital
* Revised: [12-08-Rev.2, 2014]
| Noritaka Maebayashi, Takeo Hori, Koichi Futagami | August 2015 |
13-07-Rev. | Debt Policy Rules in an Open Economy
* Revised:Fiscal Sustainability, Macroeconomic Stability, and Welfare under Fiscal Discipline in a Small Open
Economy [13-07, 2013] | Keiichi Morimoto, Takeo Hori, Noritaka Maebayashi, Koichi Futagami | August 2015 |
14-37-Rev. | Pensions, Education, and Growth: A Positive Analysis
* Revised: [14-37, 2014] | Tetsuo Ono, Yuki Uchida | August 2015 |
15-17-Rev. |
Revealed Preference Test and Shortest Path Problem; Graph Theoretic Structure of the Rationalizability Test
* Revised: [15-17, 2015] | Kohei Shiozawa | July 2015 |
13-27-Rev. | General Equilibrium Model for an Asymmetric Information Economy with Endogenous Resale Upperbounds
* Revised:General Equilibrium Model for an Asymmetric Information Economy [13-27, 2013] | Ken Urai, Akihiko Yoshimachi, Kohei Shiozawa | July 2015 |
15-20 | Cross-Shareholdings and Information Environment | Katsuhiko Muramiya, Tomomi Takada | July 2015 |
15-16-Rev. |
Large-Scaled Chain Stores versus Small-Scaled Local Stores
* Revised: [15-16, 2015] | Hiroaki Sandoh, Risa Suzuki | July 2015 |
15-19 | A Schumpeterian Growth Model with Financial Intermediaries | Miho Sunaga | June 2015 |
15-04-Rev. |
集中か多角化か?半導体企業の製品群選択と収益性―世界半導体企業 主要59社のパネルデータ(2001-2013)分析より―
* Revised: [15-04, 2015]
| 中屋雅夫, 中村文亮, 中川功一 | June 2015 |
15-18 | Note on the goodness-of-fit measure for GARP; NP-hardness of minimum cost index | Kohei Shiozawa | June 2015 |
15-17 | Revealed Preference Test and Shortest Path Problem; Graph Theoretic Structure of the Rationalizability Test | Kohei Shiozawa | June 2015 |
15-16 | Large-Scaled Chain Stores versus Small-Scaled Local Stores | Hiroaki Sandoh, Risa Suzuki | June 2015 |
14-23-Rev.2 | Intergenerational Politics, Government Debt, and Economic Growth
* Revised: [14-23-Rev., 2015] | Tetsuo Ono | June 2015 |
15-14 | Welfare and Tax Policies in a Neoclassical Growth Model with Non-unitary Discounting | Ryoji Ohdoi, Koichi Futagami, Takeo Hori | May 2015 |
15-13 | 摩擦的失業と財政政策 | 池田亮一 | May 2015 |
14-35-Rev.2 | Replica Core Equivalence Theorem: An Extension of the Debreu-Scarf Limit Theorem to Double Infinity Monetary Economies
* Revised: [14-35-Rev., 2015] | Ken Urai, Hiromi Murakami | May 2015 |
15-12 | A nation without a corporate income tax: Evidence from nineteenth century Japan | Kazuki Onji, John P. Tang | May 2015 |
15-11 | Socially Optimal Service hours with Special Offers | Hyewon Kim, Hiroaki Sandoh | May 2015 |
15-10 | The Effect of Technology Choice on Specialization and Welfare in a Two-Country Model | Yukiko Sawada | May 2015 |
15-09 | The Relationships between Mandatory and Voluntary Disclosures: Unobservable Precision Choices by Management | Toru Ishikawa | May 2015 |
15-08 | Basic and Applied Research: A Welfare Analysis | Kunihiko Konishi | May 2015 |
15-07 | Growth Cycles in a Two-country Model of Innovation | Kunihiko Konishi | May 2015 |
15-06 | Modeling pollution and economic growth: the effect of a lethal threshold | Asuka Oura, Yasukatsu Moridera, Koichi Futagami | April 2015 |
15-05 | The effects of education externality on schooling | Koichi Fukumura | April 2015 |
15-04 | 集中か多角化か?半導体企業の製品群選択と収益性―世界半導体企業 主要59社のパネルデータ(2001-2013)分析より― | 中屋雅夫, 中村文亮, 中川功一 | April 2015 |
15-03 | Optimal disaster-preventive expenditure in a dynamic and stochastic model | Takumi Motoyama | April 2015 |
14-35-Rev. | Replica Core Equivalence Theorem: An Extension of the Debreu-Scarf Limit Theorem to Double Infinity Monetary Economies
* Revised:Replica Core Equivalence Theorem: An Extension of Debreu-Scarf Limit Theorem to Double Infinity Monetary Economies [14-35, 2014] | Ken Urai, Hiromi Murakami | March 2015 |
15-02 | Shaping Japanese Management Abroad: How and Why Japanese Companies are Embedded with Particular Practices in India | Mohan Pyari Maharjan, Tomoki Sekiguchi | March 2015 |
15-01 | Inequality and Public Debt: A Positive Analysis | Tetsuo Ono, Ryo Arawatari | January 2015 |
14-23-Rev. | Intergenerational Politics, Government Debt, and Economic Growth
* Revised:Intergenerational Politics, Government Debt and Economic Growth [14-23, 2014] | Tetsuo Ono | January 2015 |
14-37 | Pensions, Education, and Growth: A Positive Analysis | Tetsuo Ono, Yuki Uchida | December 2014 |
14-36 | Inefficiency in fiscal policy: A political economy of the Laffer curve | Yutaro Hatta | December 2014 |
14-35 | Replica Core Equivalence Theorem: An Extension of Debreu-Scarf Limit Theorem to Double Infinity Monetary Economies | Ken Urai, Hiromi Murakami | November 2014 |
14-34 | 日本人はどんな県に住みたいのか?:人々の居住県選択と地域の特性 | 山根智沙子, 山根承子, 筒井 義郎 | November 2014 |
14-27-Rev. | A patentability requirement and industries targeted by R&D
* Revised: [14-27, 2014] | Keiichi Kishi | October 2014 |
14-33 | Are facets of homo economicus associated with higher earnings and happiness? | Shoko Yamane, Hiroyasu Yoneda, Yoshiro Tsutsui | October 2014 |
14-32 | Optimal income taxation without commitment: policy implications of durable goods | Shigeo Morita | October 2014 |
14-31 | The time consistent public goods provision | Shigeo Morita | October 2014 |
12-09-Rev.2 | Inequality and the Politics of Redistribution
* Revised:Inequality Dynamics and the Politics of Redistribution [12-09-Rev., 2013] | Tetsuo Ono | September 2014 |
13-16-Rev. | A Panel Study of Zombie SMEs in Japan: Identification, Borrowing and Investment Behavior
* Revised:A Panel Study of ‘Zombie’ SMEs in Japan: Identification, Borrowing and Investment Behavior [13-16, 2013] | Kentaro Imai | September 2014 |
10-21-Rev. | Dynamic analysis of a renewable resource in a small open economy: The role of environmental policies
for the environment * Revised: [10-21, 2010] | Koichi Futagami, Yasuhiro Nakamoto | September 2014 |
13-06-Rev.2 | Public Education and Social Security: A Political Economy Approach * Revised: [13-06-Rev., 2013] | Tetsuo Ono | September 2014 |
14-30 | Growth, Unemployment, and Fiscal Policy: A Political Economy Analysis | Tetsuo Ono | August 2014 |
14-29 | 販売活動の外部性と政策の有効性 | 髙岡正法 | August 2014 |
14-28 | シャープはなぜ経営危機に陥ったか:「柔らかい周囲が硬い中心を守る」仮説の提示 | 中川功一, 松本陽一, 坪山雄樹 | July 2014 |
14-27 | A patentability requirement and industries targeted by R&D | Keiichi Kishi | July 2014 |
14-26 | Determinants of Job Crafting among Part-Time and Full-Time Employees in Japan: A Relational Perspective | Tomoki Sekiguchi, Jie Li, Masaki Hosomi | June 2014 |
14-25 | 小・中・高等学校段階における教育財政負担の将来推定-教員構成の変化および規模の不経済性の影響- | 赤井伸郎, 須原三樹 | June 2014 |
14-24 | Staying or Leaving? Gender, Job opportunities, and Poor Law Administration in Nineteenth-Century England | Chiaki Yamamoto | June 2014 |
14-23 | Intergenerational Politics, Government Debt and Economic Growth | Tetsuo Ono | June 2014 |
14-22 | Banks restructuring sonata: How capital injection triggered labor force rejuvenation in Japanese banks | Kazuki Onji, Takeshi Osada, David Vera | May 2014 |
14-21 | Does the heterogeneity of project implementers affect the program participation of beneficiaries?: Evidence from rural Cambodia | Ayako Wakano, Hiroyuki Yamada, Daichi Shimamoto | May 2014 |
14-20 | 信用金庫の理事会規模・構成はリスクテイクと効率性に影響するか? | 茶野努, 筒井義郎 | May 2014 |
14-19 | Inverted u-shaped relationship between inequality and economic performance | Yuichiro Matsumoto | April 2014 |
14-18 | A Social Cognitive Framework of Newcomers’ Extra-Role Behaviors | Jie Li, Tomoki Sekiguchi | April 2014 |
14-17 | Economic Growth and the Politics of Intergenerational Redistribution | Tetsuo Ono | April 2014 |
14-16 | 海外子会社にみる組織社会化のジレンマ:日系企業の新興国海外子会社7社の分析より | 中川功一, 多田和美, 中川充, 今川智美 | April 2014 |
14-15 | Efficient Scale of Local Government in China: Quantile Regression Approach to County-Level Data | Mototsugu Fukushige, Yingxin Shi | April 2014 |
14-14 | Catching up and falling behind in technological progress: the experience of the textile and chemical industries in Italy between 1904 and 1937 | Makiko Hino, Mototsugu Fukushige | April 2014 |
14-13 | Valuation of sequential R&D investment under technological, market, and rival preemption uncertainty | Michi Nishihara | April 2014 |
14-12 | A Multilevel Investigation of Individual and Contextual Effects on Employee Job Crafting | Jie Li, Tomoki Sekiguchi, Jipeng Qi | April 2014 |
14-11 | Growth effect of bubbles in a non-scale endogenous growth model with in-house R&D | Kizuku Takao | February 2014 |
14-10 | Dynamic effects of anticipated and temporary tax changes in a R&D-Based growth model | Kizuku Takao | February 2014 |
14-09 | 周波数領域における時系列間の因果性の変化の検証に関して | 木下亮, 大屋幸輔 | February 2014 |
14-08 | Environmental Technology Transfer in a Cournot Duopoly: The Case of Fixed-Fee Licensing | Akira Miyaoka | February 2014 |
14-07 | The different effects of risk preferences on the adoption of agricultural technology: evidence from a rural area in Cambodia | Daichi Shimamoto, Hiroyuki Yamada, Ayako Wakano | February 2014 |
14-06 | The impact of improved access to market information through mobile phones usage on selling prices: Evidence from rural areas in Cambodia | Daichi Shimamoto, Hiroyuki Yamada, Martin Gummert | February 2014 |
14-05 | Motivation behind remittance from migrants: Evidence from Albania | Daichi Shimamoto | February 2014 |
14-04 | パナソニックにおけるプラズマテレビ事業の失敗に関する研究 | 中野貴紀 | January 2014 |
12-08-Rev.2 | Dynamic analysis of reductions in public debt in an endogenous growth model with public capital
* Revised: [12-08-Rev., 2013]
| Noritaka Maebayashi, Takeo Hori, Koichi Futagami | January 2014 |
14-03 | 新興国企業のポストM&Aにおけるハイブリッド経営―レノボの海外M&Aの事例を題材とした試論― | 毛譚睿 | January 2014 |
14-02 | General Equilibrium Model with Information Asymmetry and Commodity-Information Technologies | Ken Urai, Akihiko Yoshimachi, Kohei Shiozawa | January 2014 |
14-01 | Intraday Return and Volatility Spillover Mechanism from Chinese to Japanese Stock Market | Yusaku Nishimura, Yoshiro Tsutsui, Kenjiro Hirayama | January 2014 |
13-32 | How Urbanization Affect Employment and Social Interactions | Yasuhiro Sato, Yves Zenou | December 2013 |
13-02-Rev.2 | Disposition Effect and Diminishing Sensitivity: An Analysis Based on a Simulated Experimental Stock Market
* Revised:Disposition Effect and Loss Aversion: An Analysis Based on a Simulated Experimental Stock Market [13-02-Rev., 2013] | Youki Kohsaka, Grzegorz Mardyla, Shinji Takenaka, Yoshiro Tsutsui | December 2013 |
13-31 | Human capital investment, Signaling, and Wage differentials | Masashi Tanaka | December 2013 |
13-30 | Urban laboring poor against Infant Mortality at Osaka city of the early 20th century: Who saved babies? | Emiko Higami, Kenichi Tomobe, Makoto Hanashima | November 2013 |
13-15-Rev. |
Intellectual Property Rights and Foreign Direct Investment:A Welfare Analysis
* Revised: [13-15, 2013] | Hitoshi Tanaka, Tatsuro Iwaisako | November 2013 |
13-29 | Analyzing the impact of labor market integration | Keisuke Kawata, Kentaro Nakajima, Yasuhiro Sato | November 2013 |
13-28 | Social Network Sites, Motivations and Social Capital: Comparative Study of Japan and Brazil | Marcos Hideyuki Yokoyama | November 2013 |
12-09-Rev. | Inequality Dynamics and the Politics of Redistribution
* Revised:Inequality, Growth and the Politics of Education and Redistribution [12-09, 2012] | Tetsuo Ono | November 2013 |
13-27 | General Equilibrium Model for an Asymmetric Information Economy | Ken Urai, Akihiko Yoshimachi, Kohei Shiozawa | October 2013 |
13-26 | Public Research Spending in an Endogenous Growth Model | Kunihiko Konishi | October 2013 |
13-06-Rev. | Public Education and Social Security: A Political Economy Approach * Revised: [13-06, 2013] | Tetsuo Ono | September 2013 |
13-24 | Relationship-specific Investment as a Barrier to Entry | Hiroshi Kitamura, Akira Miyaoka, Misato Sato | September 2013 |
13-23 | Economic geography, endogenous fertility, and agglomeration | Tadashi Morita, Kazuhiro Yamamoto | September 2013 |
13-22 | A Note on Commodity Taxation and Economic Growth | Kunihiko Konishi | September 2013 |
13-21 | Intergovernmental Fiscal Relationships in China: A Simple Model Based on the Nonsymmetric Nash Solution | Mototsugu Fukushige, Yingxin Shi | August 2013 |
13-20 | Dynamic analysis of wage inequality and creative destruction | Keiichi Kishi | August 2013 |
13-19 | The long-run relationship between the Japanese credit and money multipliers | Mototsugu Fukushige | August 2013 |
13-18 | The Life of a Mariner in Eighteenth-Century Bristol: A Case Study of Higher-Value Probate Inventories | Yoshihiko Okabe | August 2013 |
11-26-Rev.2 | Old-age Social Security vs. Forward Intergenerational Public Goods Provision
* Revised: [11-26-Rev., 2013] | Ryo Arawatari, Tetsuo Ono | August 2013 |
13-17 | Dissatisfaction with dwelling environments in an aging society: An empirical analysis of the Kanto area in Japan | Noriko Ishikawa, Mototsugu Fukushige | July 2013 |
13-16 | A Panel Study of ‘Zombie’ SMEs in Japan: Identification, Borrowing and Investment Behavior | Kentaro Imai | July 2013 |
13-15 | Intellectual Property Rights and Foreign Direct Investment: A Welfare Analysis | Hitoshi Tanaka, Tatsuro Iwaisako | July 2013 |
13-14 | どのような人が結婚・出産を決意するのか?:アンケート調査の結果 | 筒井義郎, 亀坂安紀子, Oleksandr Movshuk, 白石小百合 | July 2013 |
13-09-Rev. | The Leading Indicator Property of the Term Spread and the Monetary Policy Factors in Japan
* Revised: [13-09, 2013]
| Hiroshi Nakaota, Yuichi Fukuta | July 2013 |
13-13 | Indeterminacy and utility-generating government spending under balanced-budget fiscal policies | Takeo Hori, Noritaka Maebayashi | July 2013 |
13-12 | Land development, search frictions, and city structure | Yasuhiro Sato, Wei Xiao | June 2013 |
13-11 | The relationship between an electricity supply ceiling and economic growth: An application of disequilibrium modeling to Taiwan | Mototsugu Fukushige, Hiroshige Yamawaki | June 2013 |
13-10 | Long-Run Fiscal Multiplier for Autonomous Prefectures in China | Yingxin Shi, Mototsugu Fukushige | June 2013 |
13-09 | The Leading Indicator Property of the Term Spread and the Monetary Policy Factors in Japan | Hiroshi Nakaota, Yuichi Fukuta | May 2013 |
13-08 | Wealth Distribution Dynamics with Status Preference: asymmetric motivations for status | Yutaro Hatta | May 2013 |
13-07 | Fiscal Sustainability, Macroeconomic Stability, and Welfare under Fiscal Discipline in a Small Open Economy | Keiichi Morimoto, Takeo Hori, Noritaka Maebayashi, Koichi Futagami | May 2013 |
13-06 | Public Education and Social Security: A Political Economy Approach | Tetsuo Ono | May 2013 |
11-31-Rev. | Relationships and Growth
* Revised: [11-31, 2011]
| Shingo Ishiguro | May 2013 |
11-26-Rev. | Old-age Social Security vs. Forward Intergenerational Public Goods Provision
* Revised: [11-26, 2011] | Ryo Arawatari, Tetsuo Ono | April 2013 |
13-02-Rev. | Disposition Effect and Loss Aversion: An Analysis Based on a Simulated Experimental Stock Market
* Revised: [13-02, 2013] | Youki Kohsaka, Grzegorz Mardyla, Shinji Takenaka, Yoshiro Tsutsui | April 2013 |
13-05 | Preemption, leverage, and financing constraints | Michi Nishihara, Takashi Shibata | April 2013 |
13-04 | Central Bank Independence and the Signaling Effect of Intervention: A Preliminary Exploration | Shinji Takagi, Hiroki Okada | March 2013 |
13-03 | Model-free Implied Volatility Index of Japanese Stock Market | Nattapol TAKKABUTR | March 2013 |
13-02 | Disposition Effect and Loss Aversion: An Analysis Based on a Simulated Experimental Stock Market | Youki Kohsaka, Grzegorz Mardyla, Shinji Takenaka, Yoshiro Tsutsui | February 2013 |
12-08-Rev. | Dynamic analysis of reductions in public debt in an endogenous growth model with public capital
* Revised: [12-08, 2012]
| Noritaka Maebayashi, Takeo Hori, Koichi Futagami | February 2013 |
13-01 | The Impact of Mandatory Disclosure on Information Acquisition: Theory and Experiment | Kazunori Miwa | February 2013 |
11-32-Rev.2 | Marital Status and Derived Pension Rights: A Political Economy Model of Public Pensions with Borrowing Constraints
* Revised: [11-32-Rev., 2012]
| Tetsuo Ono | January 2013 |
12-19 | Welfare effects of patent protection and productive public services: why do developing countries prefer weaker patent protection? | Tatsuro Iwaisako | December 2012 |
11-04-Rev. | Free Entry, Market Diffusion, and Social Inefficiency with Endogenously Growing Demand
* Revised: [11-04, 2011]
| Hiroshi Kitamura, Akira Miyaoka, Misato Sato | November 2012 |
12-18 | What caused the failure of nationalisation of the railway system in Germany? : Malfunction of the German Imperial Railway Office (Reichseisenbahnamt) in the 1870s and 1880s | Ayumu Banzawa | October 2012 |
08-18-Rev.4 | A Political Economy Model of Earnings Mobility and Redistribution Policy
* Revised: [08-18-Rev.3, 2011] | Ryo Arawatari, Tetsuo Ono | October 2012 |
11-06-Rev. | An Experimental Test of a Committee Search Model
* Revised:An Experimental Test of a Collective Search Model [11-06, 2011] | Yoichi Hizen, Keisuke Kawata, Masaru Sasaki | September 2012 |
12-17 | An Empirical Study on Stabilities of the Predictive Role of the Yield Spread for Future Economic Activity and the Monetary Policy Stance in Japan | Yuichi Fukuta, Hiroshi Nakaota | September 2012 |
12-16 | Tobin’s q as a transmission channel for nontraditional monetary policy: The case of Japan | Yuzo Honda, Minoru Tachibana | September 2012 |
12-15 | Mariners in Bristol in the seventeenth and eighteen centuries -An analysis based on probate inventories- | Yoshihiko Okabe | August 2012 |
12-14 | 農家経営と産業組合の信用事業―無限責任竹館林檎生産購買販売信用組合の事例 | 白井泉 | July 2012 |
12-13 | 非流動性資産の保有に関する家計の意思決定―現在思考とコミットメントの観点から― | 盛本晶子 | July 2012 |
12-12 | 新規株式公開をめぐる会計操作と株式市場の反応 | 山本達司, 加藤英明 | June 2012 |
12-11 | Does globalization foster economic growth? | Tadashi Morita, Hajime Takatsuka, Kazuhiro Yamamoto | June 2012 |
12-10 | Identifying the De Facto Exchange Rate Regime for Moldova: A State-Space Approach | Vitalie Ciubotaru | May 2012 |
12-09 | Inequality, Growth and the Politics of Education and Redistribution | Tetsuo Ono | May 2012 |
11-32-Rev. | Marital Status and Derived Pension Rights:
A Political Economy Model of Public Pensions with Borrowing Constraints
* Revised: [11-32, 2011]
| Tetsuo Ono | May 2012 |
11-07-Rev. | Measuring Search Frictions Using Japanese Microdata
* Revised: [11-07, 2011]
| Masaru Sasaki, Miki Kohara, Tomohiro Machikita | May 2012 |
11-02-Rev.2 | Redistributive Politics and Government Debt in a Borrowing-constrained Economy
* Revised: [11-02-Rev., 2011] | Ryo Arawatari, Tetsuo Ono | May 2012 |
12-08 | Dynamic analysis of reductions in public debt in an endogenous growth model with public capital | Noritaka Maebayashi, Takeo Hori, Koichi Futagami | April 2012 |
12-07 | The effects of external financing costs on investment timing and sizing decisions | Michi Nishihara, Takashi Shibata | April 2012 |
12-06 | M・ボウルトンのクリスティーズにおける展示販売会―近年の研究動向に見るボウルトン像― | 岡部芳彦 | April 2012 |
12-05 | Capital mobility-a resource curse or blessing? How, when, for whom? | Hikaru Ogawa, Jun Oshiro, Yasuhiro Sato | March 2012 |
12-04 | THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF FOREIGN EXCHANGE MARKET INTERVENTION | Shinji Takagi, Kenichi Hirose, Issei Kozuru | March 2012 |
12-03 | Testing the Effectiveness of Market-Based Controls: Evidence from the Experience of Japan with Short-Term Capital Flows in the 1970s | Taro Esaka, Shinji Takagi | March 2012 |
11-01-Rev. | Weather and Individual Happiness
* Revised:Climate and Individual Well-being [11-01, 2011] | Yoshiro Tsutsui | March 2012 |
12-02 | Free entry, regulatory competition, and globalization | Kaz Miyagiwa, Yasuhiro Sato | March 2012 |
12-01 | Return and Volatility Spillovers between Japanese and Chinese Stock Markets:An Analysis of Overlapping Trading Hours with High-frequency Data | Yusaku Nishimura, Yoshiro Tsutsui, Kenjiro Hirayama | February 2012 |
11-35 | Corporate Governance and the Costs of Public Debt Financing: Evidence from Japan | Takanori Tanaka | December 2011 |
11-34 | ID付POSデータを用いた想起/考慮集合の推測 | ウィラワン・ドニ・ダハナ, 中島望 | December 2011 |
10-13-Rev. | Can the health insurance reforms stop an increase in medical expenditures for middle- and old-aged persons in Japan?
* Revised:Can the Health Insurance Reforms stop an increase in medical costs of middle- and old-aged persons in Japan? [10-13, 2010] | Tamie Matsuura, Masaru Sasaki | December 2011 |
11-33 | A Political Economy Theory of Government Debt and Social Security | Ryo Arawatari, Tetsuo Ono | November 2011 |
11-32 | Marital Status and Derived Pension Rights: A Political Economy Model of Public Pensions with Borrowing Constraints | Tetsuo Ono | November 2011 |
11-31 | Relationships and Growth | Shingo Ishiguro | November 2011 |
11-30 | Fair Contracts | Shingo Ishiguro | November 2011 |
11-29 | Investment timing with fixed and proportional costs of external financing | Michi Nishihara, Takashi Shibata | November 2011 |
11-28 | 株式分割バブルとライブドア・ショック | 高阪勇毅 | October 2011 |
11-27 | 1919-1929年における北部イタリア絹織物業の輸出拡大 | 日野真紀子 | September 2011 |
09-13-Rev. | Market Diffusion with Consumer-Based Bilateral Learning
* Revised: [09-13, 2009]
| Hiroshi Kitamura, Akira Miyaoka | September 2011 |
11-02-Rev. | Redistributive Politics and Government Debt in a Borrowing-constrained Economy
* Revised: [11-02, 2011] | Ryo Arawatari, Tetsuo Ono | September 2011 |
08-18-Rev.3 | A Political Economy Model of Earnings Mobility and Redistribution Policy
* Revised: [08-18-Rev.2, 2010] | Ryo Arawatari, Tetsuo Ono | August 2011 |
11-26 | Old-age Social Security vs. Forward Intergenerational Public Goods Provision | Ryo Arawatari, Tetsuo Ono | August 2011 |
11-25 | ID付POSデータを用いた考慮集合の推測 | ウィラワン・ドニ・ダハナ, 中島望 | August 2011 |
11-24 | The “Will” to Save in China | Ting Yin | August 2011 |
11-23 | アップグレード/ダウングレード?―オンライン・ショッピングにおけるフレーミング効果について― | 中島望 | August 2011 |
09-15-Rev. | Rational Consumers | Kohei Kubota, Mototsugu Fukushige | June 2011 |
11-22 | 育児支援は子ども数を増やすか?非自発的失業を特に考慮したアプローチ | 池田亮一 | June 2011 |
11-21 | Efficiency of skill training for acquiring sector-specific skills with search frictions | Keisuke Kawata | May 2011 |
11-20 | Welfare Analysis of Free Entry in a Dynamic General Equilibrium Model | Koichi Futagami, Tatsuro Iwaisako, Makoto Okamura | May 2011 |
11-19 | Cost Efficiency and Scale Economies of Japanese Water Utilities | Theara Horn, Hitoshi Saito | May 2011 |
11-18 | 金融危機と日本の量的緩和政策 | 本多佑三, 立花実 | May 2011 |
11-17 | Tariff Policy and Transport Costs under Reciprocal Dumping | Jun Oshiro | May 2011 |
11-16 | Trade costs, wage difference, and endogenous growth | Akinori Tanaka, Kazuhiro Yamamoto | May 2011 |
11-15 | 義務教育費に関する相互参照行動 | 齊藤仁 | May 2011 |
11-14 | The Comeback of the Swiss Watch Industry on the World Market: A Business History of the Swatch Group (1983-2010) | Pierre-Yves DONZÉ | April 2011 |
11-13 | 日本における化石燃料と経済成長の因果性分析-多変数アプローチに基づいて | 石田葉月 | April 2011 |
11-12 | Design of a Social Security System: Pension System vs. Unemployment Insurance | Yusuke Kinai | March 2011 |
11-11 | Optimal Degree of Commitment in a Tax Policy | Yusuke Kinai | March 2011 |
11-10 | Solution Concept for Intergenerational Conflict: the Role of Intergenerational Bargaining | Yusuke Kinai | March 2011 |
11-09 | Real Options Valuation of Abandoned Farmland | Michi Nishihara | March 2011 |
09-24-Rev. | A Welfare Analysis of Global Patent Protection in a Model with Endogenous Innovation and Foreign Direct Investment
* Revised: [09-24, 2009]
| Tatsuro Iwaisako, Hitoshi Tanaka, Koichi Futagami | March 2011 |
10-29-Rev. | 金融危機と日中ボラティリティ:日米中株式市場の比較分析
* Revised: [10-29, 2010]
| 西村友作, 筒井義郎, 平山健二郎 | March 2011 |
11-08 | Welfare Effects of Access to Water Service in Cambodia | Theara Horn | February 2011 |
11-07 | Measuring Search Frictions Using Japanese Microdata | Masaru Sasaki, Miki Kohara, Tomohiro Machikita | February 2011 |
11-06 | An Experimental Test of a Collective Search Model | Yoichi Hizen, Keisuke Kawata, Masaru Sasaki | February 2011 |
11-05 | An Experimental Test of a Search Model under Knightian Uncertainty | Takao Asano, Hiroko Okudaira, Masaru Sasaki | February 2011 |
11-04 | Free Entry, Market Diffusion, and Social Inefficiency with Endogenously Growing Demand | Hiroshi Kitamura, Akira Miyaoka, Misato Sato | February 2011 |
10-23-Rev. | Economic and Behavioral Factors in an Individual’s Decision to Take the Influenza Vaccination in Japan
* Revised:Economic and Behavioral Factors in an Individual’s Decision to Get an Influenza Vaccination in Japan [10-23, 2010] | Yoshiro Tsutsui, Uri Benzion, Shosh Shahrabani | February 2011 |
11-03 | On-the-job search in urban areas | Keisuke Kawata, Yasuhiro Sato | February 2011 |
08-33-Rev. | Reluctance to Lend and Its Spatial Differences in Japan’s Lost Decade: What Can We Learn from It?
* Revised:Credit Crunch: A Lesson from the Japanese Case [08-33, 2008] | Daisuke Ishikawa, Yoshiro Tsutsui | January 2011 |
11-02 | Redistributive Politics and Government Debt in a Borrowing-constrained Economy | Ryo Arawatari, Tetsuo Ono | January 2011 |
11-01 | Climate and Individual Well-being | Yoshiro Tsutsui | January 2011 |
10-29 | 金融危機と日中ボラティリティ:日米中株式市場の比較分析 | 西村友作, 筒井義郎, 平山健二郎 | December 2010 |
10-28 | Trading volume and serial correlation in stock returns: a threshold regression approach | Shoko Morimoto, Mototsugu Shintani | December 2010 |
10-27 | The effects of costly exploration on optimal investment timing | Michi Nishihara, Takashi Shibata | November 2010 |
10-26 | A Non-Unitary Discount Rate Model | Koichi Futagami, Takeo Hori | October 2010 |
10-25 | Technology transfer with requisitioned material from Germany: The impact of “PB reports” on Japanese postwar technological development | Yuki Nakajima | October 2010 |
10-24 | 青森林檎の生産と流通:南津軽郡竹館産業組合の取組み,1870年代~1920年代 | 白井泉 | September 2010 |
08-18-Rev.2 | A Political Economy Model of Earnings Mobility and Redistribution Policy
* Revised:The Political Economy of Occupational Mobility and Redistribution Policy [08-18-Rev., 2009] | Ryo Arawatari, Tetsuo Ono | September 2010 |
10-04-Rev. | Retirement and Social Security: A Political Economy Perspective
* Revised: [10-04, 2010]
| Ryo Arawatari, Tetsuo Ono | September 2010 |
10-23 | Economic and Behavioral Factors in an Individual’s Decision to Get an Influenza Vaccination in Japan | Yoshiro Tsutsui, Uri Benzion, Shosh Shahrabani | August 2010 |
09-38-Rev. | The Political Economy of Social Security and Public Goods Provision in a Borrowing-constrained Economy
* Revised: [09-38, 2009]
| Ryo Arawatari, Tetsuo Ono | August 2010 |
10-22 | Environmental discounting in a small open economy with a renewable resource | Koichi Futagami, Yasuhiro Nakamoto | July 2010 |
10-21 | Dynamic analysis of a renewable resource in a small open economy: The role of environmental policies for the environment | Koichi Futagami, Yasuhiro Nakamoto | July 2010 |
10-20 | Expenditure Efficiency and the Optimal Size of Government in Developing Countries | Yogi Rahmayanti, Theara Horn | July 2010 |
10-19 | Evaluating the occurrence and disappearance of real options | Michi Nishihara | July 2010 |
10-18 | Who gains from capital market integration: Tax competition between unionized and non-unionized countries | Hikaru Ogawa, Yasuhiro Sato, Toshiki Tamai | June 2010 |
10-17 | Technological advantage and market loss: Siemens and the X-ray machine business in Japan (1900-1960) | Pierre-Yves DONZÉ | June 2010 |
10-16 | Can technological progress in renewable energy sustain an age of cheap energy? | Hazuki Ishida | May 2010 |
10-15 | 公立小学校教育の非効率と要因分析 | 齊藤仁 | April 2010 |
10-14 | Unemployment and Workplace Safety in a Search and Matching Model | Masaru Sasaki | April 2010 |
10-13 | Can the Health Insurance Reforms stop an increase in medical costs of middle- and old-aged persons in Japan? | Tamie Matsuura, Masaru Sasaki | April 2010 |
10-12 | A model for determining whether a firm should exercise multiple real options individually or simultaneously | Michi Nishihara | April 2010 |
10-11 | The Change of Nationality in Top Executives of Foreign Affiliates: A Study of North American, European and Asian MNCs in Japan | Tomoki Sekiguchi, Sachiko Yamao | March 2010 |
10-10 | Career Development of College Students through Part-Time Work: The Role of Leader-Member Exchange and Taking Charge Behavior | Tomoki Sekiguchi | March 2010 |
10-09 | 近世期における山中兵右衛門家御殿場酒店の経営 | 鈴木敦子 | March 2010 |
10-08 | 年金と保険:保険理論の観点から見た公的年金のあり方 | 山田雅俊 | March 2010 |
10-07 | Optimal Public Utility Pricing: A Further Reconsideration | Masatoshi Yamada | March 2010 |
09-22-Rev. | Does Trade Credit Provides Favorable Information to Banks? Evidence from Japan
* Revised: [09-22, 2009]
| Takanori Tanaka | February 2010 |
10-06 | The Chinese Economy and Income Inequality among East Asian Countries | Sumie Sato, Mototsugu Fukushige | February 2010 |
07-29-Rev.3 | Variety expansion and fertility rates
* Revised: [07-29-Rev2., 2008] | Akiko Maruyama, Kazuhiro Yamamoto | February 2010 |
10-05 | 育児支援と非自発的失業 | 池田亮一 | February 2010 |
09-12-Rev. | Inequality, Mobility and Redistributive Politics
* Revised: [09-12, 2009]
| Ryo Arawatari, Tetsuo Ono | February 2010 |
10-04 | Retirement and Social Security: A Political Economy Perspective | Ryo Arawatari, Tetsuo Ono | February 2010 |
10-03 | Public Capital, Public Pension, and Growth | Noritaka Maebayashi | January 2010 |
10-02 | Coordination Behavior and Optimal Committee Size | Keiichi Morimoto | January 2010 |
10-01 | Endogenous Choice on Tax Instruments in a Tax Competition Model: Unit Tax versus Ad Valorem Tax | Nobuo Akai, Hikaru Ogawa, Yoshitomo Ogawa | January 2010 |
09-32-Rev. | 青森林檎の生産と流通―南津軽郡竹館産業組合,1907年~1920年代前半の事例
* Revised: 青森県南津軽郡竹舘林檎生産購買販売信用組合の販売事業:組合・組合員・指定問屋の協力関係の構築,1907年~1910年代を中心に [09-32, 2009]
| 白井泉 | January 2010 |
09-41 | Financial Structure and Social Coalitional Equilibrium | 浦井憲, 吉町昭彦, 横田耕祐 | December 2009 |
09-36-Rev. | Optimal Structure of Monetary Policy Committees
* Revised: [09-36, 2009]
| Keiichi Morimoto | December 2009 |
09-40 | Incorporating water purification in efficiency evaluation: Evidence from Japanese water utilities (Applied Economics Letters, forthcoming) | Theara Horn | December 2009 |
09-39 | Bias-Corrected Realized Variance under Dependent Microstructure Noise | Kosuke Oya | December 2009 |
09-38 | The Political Economy of Social Security and Public Goods Provision in a Borrowing-constrained Economy | Ryo Arawatari, Tetsuo Ono | November 2009 |
09-37 | Changing Worker’s States and Inefficient Decisions on Turnover | Keisuke Kawata | November 2009 |
09-18-Rev. | A model of urban demography
* Revised: [09-18, 2009]
| Hiroshi Aiura, Yasuhiro Sato | November 2009 |
09-36 | Optimal Structure of Monetary Policy Committees | Keiichi Morimoto | October 2009 |
09-35 | Are Chinese Stock Investors Watching Tokyo? An Analysis of Intraday High-Frequency Data from Two Chinese Stock Markets and the Tokyo Stock Market | Kenjiro Hirayama, Yoshiro Tsutsui | October 2009 |
09-34 | Does Pre-trade Transparency Affect Market Quality in the Tokyo Stock Exchange? | Hideaki Sakawa, Masato Ubukata | October 2009 |
09-33 | Asset markets can achieve efficiency in the directed search framework | Shoko Morimoto | September 2009 |
09-32 | 青森県南津軽郡竹舘林檎生産購買販売信用組合の販売事業:組合・組合員・指定問屋の協力関係の構築,1907年~1910年代を中心に | 白井泉 | September 2009 |
09-31 | Hybrid or Electric Vehicles? A Real Options Perspective | Michi Nishihara | September 2009 |
09-30 | Large-scale portfolios using realized covariance matrix: evidence from the Japanese stock market | Masato Ubukata | September 2009 |
09-29 | IT経営力はIT投資の効果を高めるのか?―企業アンケート調査データに基づく分析― | 布施匡章, 田中孝憲 | September 2009 |
09-28 | Inequality, Mobility and Redistributive Taxation in a Finance-constrained Economy | Ryo Arawatari, Tetsuo Ono | September 2009 |
09-27 | Revisiting the unemployment controversy: Pigou’s viewpoint | Norikazu Takami | August 2009 |
09-26 | Parent-Child Co-residence and Bequest Motives in China | Ting Yin | August 2009 |
09-25 | 公的保険機関の政策評価―資金循環分析による接近― | 真鍋雅史 | August 2009 |
09-24 | A Welfare Analysis of Global Patent Protection in a Model with Endogenous Innovation and Foreign Direct Investment | Hitoshi Tanaka, Tatsuro Iwaisako, Koichi Futagami | August 2009 |
09-23 | Habit Formation, Interest-Rate Control and Equilibrium Determinacy | Seiya Fujisaki | August 2009 |
09-22 | Does Trade Credit Provides Favorable Information to Banks? Evidence from Japan | Takanori Tanaka | July 2009 |
09-21 | Technological Progress and Population Growth: Do we have too few children? | Koichi Futagami, Takeo Hori | July 2009 |
09-20 | ETF 導入は日経225 現先間の裁定取引を活発にさせたか? | 高阪勇毅 | July 2009 |
09-19 | 双曲割引と消費行動―アンケートデータを用いた実証分析― | 盛本晶子 | July 2009 |
09-18 | A model of urban demography | Hiroshi Aiura, Yasuhiro Sato | June 2009 |
09-17 | Decision to get influenza vaccination: A behavioral economic approach | Yoshiro Tsutsui, Uri Benzion, Shosh Shahrabani, Gregory Yom Din | June 2009 |
09-16 | Preemptive Investment Game with Alternative Projects | Michi Nishihara | June 2009 |
09-15 | Rational consumers | Kohei Kubota, Mototsugu Fukushige | May 2009 |
09-14 | 青森県における農業の発展と農家経済の安定:稲作生産性の向上と商品作物リンゴの定着,1870年代~1930年代 | 白井泉 | May 2009 |
09-13 | Market Diffusion with Consumer-Based Bilateral Learning | Hiroshi Kitamura | May 2009 |
09-12 | Inequality, Mobility and Redistributive Politics | Ryo Arawatari, Tetsuo Ono | April 2009 |
08-18-Rev. | The Political Economy of Occupational Mobility and Redistribution Policy
* Revised:The Political Economy of Earnings Mobility and Redistribution Policy [08-18, 2008] | Ryo Arawatari, Tetsuo Ono | April 2009 |
09-11 | Systematized and Path-independent Measurement of Biased Technical Change | Tsunehiro Otsuki | April 2009 |
09-10 | Managerial Entrenchment and Corporate Bond Financing: Evidence from Japan | Takanori Tanaka | March 2009 |
09-09 | Velocity and Monetary Expansion in a Growing Economy with Interest-Rate Control | Seiya Fujisaki | March 2009 |
09-04-Rev. | Exit and Voice in a Marriage Market
* Revised: [09-04, 2009]
| Akiko Maruyama, Takashi Shimizu, Kazuhiro Yamamoto | March 2009 |
09-08 | 基礎年金の税方式化についての再検討-労働組合賃金交渉モデルによる分析- | 池田亮一 | February 2009 |
09-07 | Market Size and Entrepreneurship | Yasuhiro Sato, Takatoshi Tabuchi, Kazuhiro Yamamoto | February 2009 |
09-06 | Endogenous Policy Announcement and Accountability for Inflation Target | Keiichi Morimoto | February 2009 |
09-05 | Inflation Inertia and Optimal Delegation of Monetary Policy | Keiichi Morimoto | February 2009 |
09-04 | Exit and Voice in a Marriage Market | Akiko Maruyama, Takashi Shimizu, Kazuhiro Yamamoto | February 2009 |
09-03 | What decreases the TFP? The aging labor and ICT imbalance | Tatsuyoshi Miyakoshi, Pekka Ilmakunnas | February 2009 |
09-02 | Managerial Entrenchment, Banker Distribution, and Corporate Governance: Evidence from Japan | Takanori Tanaka | January 2009 |
09-01 | Financial Integration and Aggregate Stability | Yunfang Hu, Kazuo Mino | January 2009 |
08-39 | Exclusionary Vertical Contracts with Multiple Entrants | Hiroshi Kitamura | December 2008 |
08-38 | A Planner of Global Income Transfers: International Public Goods and Productivity Differentials | Tatsuyoshi Miyakoshi | December 2008 |
08-37 | Note on the Determinants of Wage Dispersion | Yosuke Oda | December 2008 |
08-36 | The Sigmoidal Investment Function | Yuzo Honda, Kazuyuki Suzuki | November 2008 |
08-35 | Trade and mergers in the presence of firm heterogeneity | Noriaki Matsushima, Yasuhiro Sato, Kazuhiro Yamamoto | November 2008 |
08-34 | Does Broader-Based Local Government affect Expenditure on Public Long-Term Care Insurance? The Case of Japan | Haruaki Hirota, Hideo Yunoue | September 2008 |
08-33 | Credit Crunch: A Lesson from the Japanese Case | Daisuke Ishikawa, Yoshiro Tsutsui | September 2008 |
08-32 | How Fast Do Tokyo and New York Stock Exchanges Respond to Each Other?: An Analysis with High-Frequency Data | Yoshiro Tsutsui, Kenjiro Hirayama | September 2008 |
08-31 | Ecological dumping under foreign investment quotas | Yasuyuki Sugiyama, Muneyuki Saito | September 2008 |
08-30 | Consumption Externalities and Equilibrium Dynamics with Heterogenous Agents | Kazuo Mino, Yasuhiro Nakamoto | September 2008 |
08-29 | 幸福度で測った地域間格差 | 山根智沙子, 山根承子, 筒井義郎 | August 2008 |
08-28 | トランジスタラジオ輸出の展開-産業形成期における中小零細企業の展開を中心に- | 中島裕喜 | July 2008 |
08-04-Rev. | A Second Chance at Success: A Political Economy Perspective
* Revised: [08-04, 2008]
| Ryo Arawatari, Tetsuo Ono | July 2008 |
08-27 | A Dynamic Model of Conflict and Cooperation | Wolfgang Eggert, Jun-ichi Itaya, Kazuo Mino | July 2008 |
08-26 | 消費者金融業の競争度 | 窪田康平, 筒井義郎 | June 2008 |
08-25 | Self-selection and Earnings of Migrants: Evidence from Rural China | Zheren WU | June 2008 |
08-24 | Relative Income Positions and Labor Migration: A Panel Study Based on a Rural Household Survey in China | Zheren WU | June 2008 |
07-29-Rev.2 | Variety expansion and fertility rates
* Revised: Variety expansion and fertility rate [07-29-Rev., 2008] | Akiko Maruyama, Kazuhiro Yamamoto | June 2008 |
08-23 | バーミンガム・アセイオフィス(貴金属分析所)の設立と装飾銀製品の製造 | 岡部芳彦 | May 2008 |
08-22 | Progressive Taxation, Wealth Distribution, and Macroeconomic Stability | Kazuo Mino, Yasuhiro Nakamoto | May 2008 |
08-21 | Equilibrium Determinacy of Endogenous Growth with Generalized Taylor Rule: A Discrete-Time Analysis | Seiya Fujisaki | April 2008 |
08-20 | Income Taxation, Interest-Rate Control and Macroeconomic Stability with Balanced-Budget | Seiya Fujisaki, Kazuo Mino | April 2008 |
08-19 | Aging, Inequality and Social Security | Ryo Arawatari, Tetsuo Ono | April 2008 |
08-18 | The Political Economy of Occupational Mobility and Redistribution Policy | Ryo Arawatari, Tetsuo Ono | April 2008 |
08-17 | Strategy-Proof and Anonymous Rule in Queueing Problems: A Relationship between Equity and Efficiency | Kazuhiko Hashimoto, Hiroki Saitoh | April 2008 |
08-16 | Estimation of Substitution Elasticities for CGE models | Azusa Okagawa, Kanemi Ban | April 2008 |
08-15 | Self-Esteem and Justice Orientation as Moderators for Individual- and Group-Level Justice Effects | Tomoki Sekiguchi, Yoichiro Hayashi | April 2008 |
08-14 | Speed of the price and efficiency of the concession the treaty port market in Japan’s industrialization | Masaki Nakabayashi | March 2008 |
08-13 | Peasant economy in the ‘debate on Japanese capitalism’: Tenancy contract facing the ‘Turning point’ | Masaki Nakabayashi | March 2008 |
08-12 | Rise of the Japanese fiscal state | Masaki Nakabayashi | March 2008 |
07-03-Rev.2 | A Test for Dependence and Covariance Estimator of Market Microstructure Noise
* Revised: Test of Unbiasedness of the Integrated Covariance Estimation in the Presence of Noise [07-03-Rev., 2007 ] | Masato Ubukata, Kosuke Oya | March 2008 |
08-11 | Seigniorage Revenue or Consumer Revenue? Theoretical and Empirical Evidences | Tatsuyoshi Miyakoshi | March 2008 |
08-10 | Job Satisfaction and Happiness: New Evidence from Japanese Union Workers | Adrian de la Garza, Atsushi Sannabe, Katsunori Yamada | March 2008 |
08-09 | Alteration in Skills and Career-Enhancing in a Frictional Labor Mark | Yosuke Oda | March 2008 |
07-44-Rev. | 近世日本米市場の制度的基礎-取引統治機構を中心として-
* Revised: [07-44, 2007]
| 高槻泰郎 | February 2008 |
08-08 | The Economic Costs of Court Decisions Concerning Dismissals in Japan: Identification by Judge Transfers | Hiroko Okudaira | February 2008 |
08-07 | How Many Times did Structural Changes in the Relationship between the Term Spread and Future Real Economic Activity Occur in Japan? | Hiroshi Nakaota, Yuichi Fukuta | February 2008 |
08-06 | What is the Cause of the Predictive Power of the Term Spread? | Hiroshi Nakaota | February 2008 |
08-05 | Preference Structure and Volatility in a Financially Integrated World | Kazuo Mino | February 2008 |
07-29-Rev. | Variety expansion and fertility rate
* Revised: [07-29, 2007]
| Akiko Maruyama, Kazuhiro Yamamoto | January 2008 |
08-04 | A Second Chance at Success: A Political Economy Perspective | Ryo Arawatari, Tetsuo Ono | January 2008 |
08-03 | Supply Chain Coordination Model with Retailer’s Risk Attitudes | Huy Chhaing | January 2008 |
08-02 | Merchants, institutions and the market: changes in the salt trade in early colonial Bengal | Sayako Kanda | January 2008 |
08-01 | 外部不経済課税に関するDouble-dividend仮説再考 | 角野浩, 山田雅俊 | January 2008 |
07-47 | 都道府県別行政投資の将来推計-社会資本ストックの維持を目的としたシミュレーション分析- | 樺克裕 | December 2007 |
07-46 | Utility Indifference Pricing in an Incomplete Market Model with Incomplete Information | Kazuhiro Takino | December 2007 |
07-19-Rev. | 近世市場機構の形成過程-堂島米会所における米価形成の効率性-
* Revised: [07-19, 2007]
| 高槻泰郎 | December 2007 |
07-45 | Valuation of Japanese Corporations during the 1980s: evidence from an accounting dataset | Hiroki Arato, Katsunori Yamada | December 2007 |
07-44 | 近世日本米市場の制度的基礎-取引統治機構を中心として- | 高槻泰郎 | December 2007 |
07-43 | Globalization and Economic Inequality in the Short and Long Run: The Case of South Korea 1975-1995 | Sumie Sato, Mototsugu Fukushige | November 2007 |
07-32-Rev. | Endogenous Political Instability
* Revised: [07-32, 2007]
| Ryo Arawatari, Kazuo Mino | November 2007 |
07-31-Rev. | Dynamic Political Economy of Redistribution Policy:
The Role of Education Costs
* Revised:Markov Perfect Political Equilibria with Public Policy:
The Role of Education Cost [07-31, 2007]
| Ryo Arawatari, Tetsuo Ono | November 2007 |
07-42 | リピーター観光客育成に向けた観光プロモーション策 | 岡村薫, 福重元嗣 | November 2007 |
07-41 | 東アジアにおける自由貿易協定と関西地域の貿易:輸出入の連動モデルによる効果予測 | 佐藤純恵, 福重元嗣 | October 2007 |
07-40 | 資本市場と企業統治-近代日本の綿紡績企業における成長戦略- | 結城武延 | October 2007 |
07-39 | 金融制度改革期における地方金融-山口県上関町の質物金融- | 高槻泰郎 | October 2007 |
07-38 | The End of Import-Led Growth? North Korean Evidence | Sumie Sato, Mototsugu Fukushige | October 2007 |
07-37 | 資金循環とマクロ経済-公的金融機関の政策評価- | 真鍋雅史 | October 2007 |
07-36 | 制度部門間の資金循環統計の推計 | 真鍋雅史 | October 2007 |
07-35 | Employment and Hours of Work | Noritaka Kudoh, Masaru Sasaki | October 2007 |
07-34 | Precautionary Demand for Labor in Search Equilibrium | Noritaka Kudoh, Masaru Sasaki | October 2007 |
07-33 | Pigou’s theory of business cycle as an inquiry into unemployment: on the relative effects of the gold standard and the wage rigidity in the twenties | Norikazu Takami | September 2007 |
07-32 | Endogenous Political Instability | Ryo Arawatari, Kazuo Mino | August 2007 |
07-31 | Markov Perfect Political Equilibria with Public Policy: The Role of Education Cost | Ryo Arawatari, Tetsuo Ono | August 2007 |
07-30 | Market Efficiency, Asymmetric Price Adjustment and Over-Evaluation: Linking Investor Behaviors to EGARCH | Tatsuyoshi Miyakoshi, Yoshihiko Tsukuda, Junji Shimada | August 2007 |
07-29 | Variety expansion and fertility rate | Akiko Maruyama, Kazuhiro Yamamoto | July 2007 |
07-28 | Informatization, Voter Turnout and Income Inequality | Ryo Arawatari | July 2007 |
07-27 | A Welfare Cost of the Lost Decade in Japan | Tatsuyoshi Miyakoshi, Masakatsu Okubo | June 2007 |
07-26 | The Dynamic Welfare Cost of Stagnation: An Alternative Measure to the Lucas-Obstfeld Model | Tatsuyoshi Miyakoshi, Masakatsu Okubo, Junji Shimada | June 2007 |
07-25 | The Dynamic Welfare Costs of the 1997 Asian Crisis | Tatsuyoshi Miyakoshi, Masakatsu Okubo, Junji Shimada | June 2007 |
07-24 | The Effects of IMF Supported-Program on the Asian Crisis | Tatsuyoshi Miyakoshi, Yoshihiko Tsukuda, Junji Shimada | June 2007 |
07-23 | Asymmetric International Transmission in the Conditional Mean and Volatility to the Japanese Market from the U.S.: EGARCH vs. SV Models | Junji Shimada, Yoshihiko Tsukuda, Tatsuyoshi Miyakoshi | June 2007 |
07-22 | Population Growth and Local Home Environment Externality in an Endogenous Growth Model with Two Engines of Growth | Shirou Kuwahara, Katsunori Yamada | June 2007 |
07-21 | 近世における市場間連動-中央市場の価格形成と波及- | 高槻泰郎 | June 2007 |
07-20 | 戦間記日本における農家の労働力配分戦略と乳児死亡からみた母胎・母体を取り巻く生活環境:1910~1930年代、東北農村 | 白井泉 | June 2007 |
07-19 | 近世市場機構の形成過程-堂島米会所における米価形成の効率性- | 高槻泰郎 | June 2007 |
07-18 | 銀行合併の動機とその効果 | 岡田多惠 | June 2007 |
06-28-Rev.2 | The formation of the efficient market in Tokugawa Japan
* Revised: [06-28Rev., 2006] | Yasuo Takatsuki | May 2007 |
07-17 | Public Expenditure Composition and Economic Growth: Optimal Adjustment by Using Gradient Method | Tatsuyoshi Miyakoshi, Yoshihiko Tsukuda, Tatsuhito Kono, Makoto Koyanagi, | May 2007 |
06-28-Rev. | The formation of the efficient market in Tokugawa Japan
* Revised: [06-28, 2006] | Yasuo Takatsuki | May 2007 |
07-16 | Collusion in Repeated Procurement Auction: a Study of Paving Market in Japan | Rieko Ishii | May 2007 |
07-15 | Detecting Collusion through Exchange of Favors in Repeated Procurement Auctions | Rieko Ishii | May 2007 |
07-14 | Organizational Dynamics | Shingo Ishiguro | May 2007 |
07-13 | Holdup, Search and Inefficiency | Shingo Ishiguro | May 2007 |
07-12 | Trade impacts on skill formation: welfare improvements accompanied by rises in inequality | Yasuhiro Sato, Kazuhiro Yamamoto | April 2007 |
07-03-Rev. | Test of Unbiasedness of the Integrated Covariance Estimation in the Presence of Noise
* Revised: [07-03, 2007] | Masato Ubukata, Kosuke Oya | April 2007 |
07-11 | Capacity Expansion in Markets with Intertemporal Consumption Externalities | Hiroshi Kitamura | April 2007 |
07-10 | The Persistence of Differences in Productivity, Wages, Skill Mixes and Profits Between Firms | Katsuya Takii | April 2007 |
07-09 | 組織的公正と人材マネジメント | 関口倫紀, 林洋一郎 | March 2007 |
07-08 | AN INJECTION OF BASE MONEY AT ZERO INTEREST RATES: EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE FROM THE JAPANESE EXPERIENCE 2001-2006 | Yuzo Honda, Yoshihiro Kuroki, Minoru Tachibana | March 2007 |
07-07 | Growth and Bubbles with Consumption Externalities | Kazuo Mino | February 2007 |
07-06 | Patent Acquisitions under Uncertainty: The Case of Requests for Examination | Masayo Kani | February 2007 |
07-05 | Innovation, Licensing, and Imitation: The Effects of Intellectual Property Rights Protection and Industrial Policy | Koichi Futagami, Tatsuro Iwaisako, Hitoshi Tanaka | February 2007 |
07-04 | Intergenerational Transfers of Time and Public Long-term Care with an Aging Population | Atsue Mizushima | February 2007 |
07-03 | Test of Unbiasedness of the Integrated Covariance Estimation in the Presence of Noise | Masato Ubukata, Kosuke Oya | February 2007 |
07-02 | Risk Sharing and Growth in the Gifts Economy | Atsue Mizushima, Keiichi Koda | February 2007 |
07-01 | 生産性地方本部の財政的自立-関西の場合- | 岩田憲治, | January 2007 |
06-30 | Social Recognition and Economic Equilibrium | Ken Urai | December 2006 |
06-29 | The Relationship between Managerial Compensation and Business Performance in Japan: New Evidence using Micro Data | Hideaki Sakawa, Naoki Watanabel, | November 2006 |
06-28 | The formation of the efficient market in Tokugawa Japan | Yasuo Takatsuki | November 2006 |
06-27 | Equilibrium Dynamics in an Overlapping Generations Economy with Endogenous Labor Supply | Atsue Mizushima, | October 2006 |
06-06-Rev. | Dynamic Analysis of Innovation and International Transfer of Technology through Licensing * Revised:Dynamic Analysis of Innovation and Licensing: The Effects of Intellectual Property Rights Protection[06-06, 2006]
| Hitoshi Tanaka, Tatsuro Iwaisako, Koichi Futagami | October 2006 |
06-26 | Random Correlation Matrix and De-Noising | Ken-ichi Mitsui, Yoshio Tabata | September 2006 |
06-25 | The Incentive to Declare Taxes and Tax Revenue: The Lottery Receipt Experiment in China | Junmin Wan | September 2006 |
06-24 | Is Cash Flow a Proxy for Financing Constraints in the Investment Equation? The Case of Unlisted Japanese Firms | Yuzo Honda, Kazuyuki Suzuki | August 2006 |
06-23 | Research & Development in the Telecommunication Industry in Prewar Japan-Automatic Telephone Switchboard- | Yuki Nakajima | August 2006 |
06-22 | Export Processing Zones and Environmental Policy | Yasuyuki Sugiyama | August 2006 |
06-21 | Impacts of Tourism and Fiscal Expenditure on Remote Islands in Japan: A Panel Data Analysis | Noriko Ishikawa, Mototsugu Fukushige | July 2006 |
06-19 | Does the Diversity of Human Capital Increase GDP? A Comparison of Education Systems | Katsuya Takii, Ryuichi Tanaka | July 2006 |
06-18 | 選択型実験法による公共交通投資の費用便益分析-大阪モノレールの彩都線延伸の例- | 沈俊毅, 坂田裕輔, 橋本介三 | July 2006 |
06-17 | A Note on Sufficient Conditions of Cross Risk Vulnerability | Yusuke Osaki | June 2006 |
06-16 | Comparative Risk Aversion under Background Risks Revisited | Masamitsu Ohnishi, Yusuke Osaki | June 2006 |
06-15 | 在郷商人の最適販売戦略-近世における都市特権株仲間および非特権仲間との木綿取引- | 棚橋あすか | June 2006 |
05-32-Rev.2 | Hedonic prices and multidimensional incentives * Revised:Hedonic prices and multitask incentives[05-32Rev., 2006] | Masaki Nakabayashi | May 2006 |
06-14 | Learning, Inflation Cycles, and Depression | Ryo Horii, Yoshiyasu Ono | May 2006 |
06-13 | Natural Disasters in a Two-Sector Model of Endogenous Growth | Masako Ikefuji, Ryo Horii | May 2006 |
06-12 | Dual Poverty Trap | Ryo Horii, Masaru Sasaki | May 2006 |
06-11 | Decomposing interregional differentials in productivities:
An empirical analysis for Japanese data
(subsequently published in Economics Letters, vol.97, no.3, pp.240-246, December 2007.) | Mototsugu Fukushige, Noriko Ishikawa | May 2006 |
05-23-Rev. | Economic Growth with Imperfect Protection of Intellectual Property Rights * Revised:[05-23, 2005] | Ryo Horii, Tatsuro Iwaisako | April 2006 |
06-10 | Flexibility and diversity: the putting-out system in the silk fabric industry of Kiryu, Japan | Masaki Nakabayashi | April 2006 |
06-09 | Stock Market Volatility and the Forecasting Accuracy of Implied Volatility Indices | Kazuhiko Nishina, Nabil Maghrebi, Moo-Sung Kim | March 2006 |
05-32-Rev. | Hedonic prices and multitask incentives * Revised:[05-32, 2005] | Masaki Nakabayashi | March 2006 |
04-12-Rev. | Consumption of Cigarettes, Nicotine, and Tar under Anti-smoking Policies: Japan as a Case Study
* Revised: Response to Health Information: Evidence from Cigarette Consumption and Intake of Nicotine and Tar in Japan [04-12, 2004] | Junmin Wan | March 2006 |
06-08 | A Lost Decade Revisited: Zombie Firms and Inefficient Labor Allocation | Takanori Tanaka | March 2006 |
06-07 | A Variety-Expansion Model of Growth with External Habit Formation | Junko Doi, Kazuo Mino | February 2006 |
04-13-Rev. | Response of Consumers to the Mandatory Disclosure of Information:Evidence from Natural Experiments
in Japanese Inter-brand Cigarette Demands
* Revised: Response of Consumers to the Mandatory Disclosure of Information: Evidence from Japanese Inter-brand Cigarette Sales [04-13, 2004] | Junmin Wan | February 2006 |
04-11-Rev. | Cigarette Tax Revenues and Tobacco Control in Japan
(subsequently published in Applied Economics, vol.38, no.14, pp.1663-1675, August 2006.) * Revised: Rational Addiction, Tax Revenues and Tobacco Control [04-11, 2004] | Junmin Wan | February 2006 |
04-01-Rev. | Rational Addiction with Optimal Inventories: Theory and Evidence from Cigarette Purchases in Japan
* Revised: Rational Addiction with an Optimal Inventory:Theory and Evidence from Japanese Daily and Monthly Purchases [04-01, 2004] | Junmin Wan | February 2006 |
06-06 | Dynamic Analysis of Innovation and Licensing: The Effects of Intellectual Property Rights Protection | Hitoshi Tanaka, Tatsuro Iwaisako, Koichi Futagami | February 2006 |
06-05 | A Comparison between Latent Class Model and Mixed Logit Model for Transport Mode Choice: Evidences from Two Datasets of Japan | Junyi Shen, Yusuke Sakata, Yoshizo Hashimoto | January 2006 |
06-04 | The Influence of Environmental Deterioration and Network Improvement on Transport Modal Choice | Yusuke Sakata, Junyi Shen, Yoshizo Hashimoto | January 2006 |
06-03 | Wants and Past Knowledge: Growth Cycles with Emerging Industries | Ryo Horii | January 2006 |
06-02 | Valuing Medical Schools in Japan: National versus Private Universities | Mototsugu Fukushige, Hideo Yunoue | January 2006 |
06-01 | Impact of BSE and Bird Flu on Comsumers’ Meat Demand in Japan
(Applied Economics, forthcoming) | Takashi Ishida, Noriko Ishikawa, Mototsugu Fukushige | January 2006 |
05-35 | Technology, Preference Structure, and the Growth Effect of Money Supply | Jun-ichi Itaya, Kazuo Mino | December 2005 |
05-34 | Equilibrium Dynamics in Discrete-Time Endogenous Growth Models with Social Constant Returns | Kazuo Mino, Kazuo Nishimura, Koji Shimomura, Ping Wang | December 2005 |
05-33 | Relationships between Non-Bossiness and Nash Implementability | Hideki Mizukami, Takuma Wakayama | December 2005 |
05-32 | Hedonic prices and multitask incentives | Masaki Nakabayashi | December 2005 |
05-31 | Job Security Laws and Structural Change in the Japanese Labor Market | Kenji Azetsu, Mototsugu Fukushige | November 2005 |
05-30 | The Effect of Education Subsidies in an Aging Economy | Megumi Mochida | October 2005 |
05-29 | Is Individual Environmental Consciousness One of the Determinants in Transport Mode Choice? | Junyi Shen, Yusuke Sakata, Yoshizo Hashimoto | October 2005 |
05-28 | Who Expects the Municipalities to Take the Initiative in Tourism Development? Residents’ Attitudes of Amami Oshima Island in Japan
(subsequently published in Tourism Management, vol.28, no.2, pp.461-475, April 2007.) | Noriko Ishikawa, Mototsugu Fukushige | October 2005 |
05-27 | A Review of Stated Choice Method | Junyi Shen | October 2005 |
05-26 | Wavelet based Multi-grid analysis, Wavelet Galerkin method and their Applications to American option: A Survey | Ken-ichi Mitsui, Yoshio Tabata | October 2005 |
03-14-Rev. | Availability of Higher Education and Long-Term Economic Growth * Revised: [03-14, 2003] | Ryo Horii, Akiomi Kitagawa, Koichi Futagami | September 2005 |
05-25 | 取引パターンと流動性指標の関係 | 橋本尚史 | September 2005 |
05-24 | Impacts of Tourism and Fiscal Expenditure to Remote Islands: The Case of the Amami Islands in Japan
(subsequently published in Applied Economics Letters, vol.14, no.9, pp.661-666, July 2007.) | Noriko Ishikawa, Mototsugu Fukushige | September 2005 |
05-23 | Economic Growth with Imperfect Protection of Intellectual Property Rights | Ryo Horii, Tatsuro Iwaisako | August 2005 |
05-22 | Eigenvector Procedure based on Weighted Preference Flows in Multicriteria Outranking Analysis | Santha Chenayah, Eiji Takeda | August 2005 |
05-08-Rev. | Finance, Technology and Inequality in Economic Development * Revised: [05-08, 2005] | Ryo Horii, Ryoji Ohdoi, Kazuhiro Yamamoto | August 2005 |
05-21 | Deflation and Downward Nominal Wage Rigidity: Evidence from Japan | Kengo Yasui, Shinji Takenaka | July 2005 |
05-20 | A Characterization of the Randomized Uniform Rule | Wataru Kureishi, Hideki Mizukami | July 2005 |
05-19 | The Restructuring of Cotton Spinning Companies in Postwar Japan | Takeshi Abe | June 2005 |
05-18 | The Estimation of Asymmetric Adjustment Costs for the Number of Workers and Working Hours -Empirical Evidence from Japanese Industry Data | Kenji Azetsu, Mototsugu Fukushige | June 2005 |
05-17 | マル優制度と家計の資産選択 -「貯蓄動向調査」年齢階級別データによる分析- | 関田静香 | June 2005 |
05-16 | Migration and agglomeration with knowledge spillovers | Kyoko Hirose | June 2005 |
05-15 | Knowledge spillovers, location of industry, and endogenous growth | Kyoko Hirose, Kazuhiro Yamamoto | June 2005 |
05-14 | The Monotonicity of Asset Prices with Changes in Risk | Masamitsu Ohnishi, Yusuke Osaki | May 2005 |
05-13 | Dependent Background Risks and Asset Prices | Yusuke Osaki | May 2005 |
05-12 | ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF ASEAN FREE TRADE AREA; BY A COUNTRY PANEL DATA | Nguyen Trung Kien, Yoshizo Hashimoto | May 2005 |
05-11 | Child Allowances, Fertility, and Uncertain Lifetime | Megumi Mochida | May 2005 |
05-10 | 家計による預金者規律は存在するのか? | 関田静香 | May 2005 |
05-09 | Wealth Heterogeneity and Escape from the Poverty-Environment Trap | Masako Ikefuji, Ryo Horii | May 2005 |
05-08 | Finance, Technology and Inequality in Economic Development | Ryo Horii, Ryoji Ohdoi, Kazuhiro Yamamoto | April 2005 |
05-07 | Regional redistribution policy and welfare in a two-region endogenous growth model | Yutaro Murakami | March 2005 |
05-06 | IT Usage by SMEs in Japan: A Comparative Study of Higashiosaka and Ohta Ward, Tokyo SUMMARY | Masatsugu Tsuji, Hiroaki Miyoshi, Teruyuki Bunno, Hiroki Idota, Masaru Ogawa, Etsuko Tsutsumi, Machiko Nakanishi, Noah Smith | March 2005 |
05-05 | Strategy-proof Sharing | Hideki Mizukami, Tatsuyoshi Saijo, Takuma Wakayama | March 2005 |
04-03-Rev. | Dominant Strategy Implementation in Pure Exchange Economies * Revised: [04-03, 2004]
| Hideki Mizukami, Takuma Wakayama | March 2005 |
05-04 | Analysis of Optimal Taxation in an OLG Model: from the Viewpoint of Time-Consistency | Yusuke Kinai | March 2005 |
05-03 | Pricing a Bermudan Swaption with a Short Rate Lattice Method | Yasuhiro TAMBA | March 2005 |
05-02 | 公共選択論の類型化と課題:政策決定理論についての展望 | 山田雅俊 | February 2005 |
05-01 | PROMETHEE Multicriteria Analysis for Evaluation of Recycling Strategies in Malaysia | Santha Chenayah, Eiji Takeda | February 2005 |
04-20 | Various Features of the Chooser Flexible Cap | Masamitsu OHNISHI, Yasuhiro TAMBA | December 2004 |
04-19 | The Comparative Statics of Equilibrium Derivative Prices | Masamitsu Ohnishi, Yusuke Osaki | November 2004 |
03-04-Rev. | Market Efficiency and International Linkage of Stock Prices: An Analysis with High Frequency Data * Revised: [03-04, 2003]
| Yoshiro Tsutsui, Kenjiro Hirayama | October 2004 |
04-18 | Pricing of a Chooser Flexible Cap and its Calibration | Daisuke ITO, Masamitsu OHNISHI, Yasuhiro TAMBA | October 2004 |
04-17 | リサイクル事業の社会的評価と利用促進政策の形成 -エコレンガ事業の事例を中心としたCVM 分析- | 裘春暉, 坂田裕輔, 橋本介三 | September 2004 |
04-16 | Juvenile Crime and Punishment: Evidence from Japan | Tatsushi Oka | September 2004 |
04-15 | Who Benefits from a Better Education Environment? | Akiomi Kitagawa, Ryo Horii, Koichi Futagami | July 2004 |
02-10-Rev. | Degree of Competition in the Japanese Securities Industry * Revised: Competition in Japanese Securities Industry [02-10, 2002]
| Yoshiro Tsutsui, Akiko Kamesaka | July 2004 |
04-14 | Welfare Analysis of Debt Policy during Recessions | Takayuki Ogawa | July 2004 |
04-13 | Response of Consumers to the Mandatory Disclosure of Information: Evidence from Japanese Inter-brand Cigarette Sales | Junmin Wan | June 2004 |
04-12 | Response to Health Information: Evidence from Cigarette Consumption and Intake of Nicotine and Tar in Japan | Junmin Wan | June 2004 |
04-11 | Rational Addiction, Tax Revenues and Tobacco Control | Junmin Wan | June 2004 |
04-10 | The Comparative Statics on Asset Prices Based on Bull and Bear Market Measure | Masamitsu Ohnishi, Yusuke Osaki | May 2004 |
04-09 | Environmental Kuznets Curve on Country Level: Evidence from China | Junyi Shen, Yoshizo Hashimoto | May 2004 |
04-08 | Consumption Satiation and Balanced-Budget Multipliers | Takayuki Ogawa | April 2004 |
04-07 | Habit Formation, Irreversible Capital Investment, and Unemployment | Takayuki Ogawa | April 2004 |
04-06 | Measuring Education Levels of Farmers: Evidence from Innovation Adoption in Bangladesh | Masakazu Hojo | March 2004 |
04-05 | Monetary Transmissions Immediately after the Crisis in East Asia | Masahiro Enya, Akira Kohsaka | March 2004 |
04-04 | Credit Crunch in East Asia: A Retrospective | Masahiro Enya, Akira Kohsaka, Mervin Pobre | March 2004 |
04-03 | Dominant Strategy Implementation in Pure Exchange Economies | Hideki Mizukami, Takuma Wakayama | March 2004 |
04-02 | The Effect of Partial Information Sharing in a Two-Level Supply Chain | Huy Chhaing, Eiji Takeda | February 2004 |
04-01 | Rational Addiction with an Optimal Inventory: Theory and Evidence from Japanese Daily and Monthly Purchases | Junmin Wan | January 2004 |
03-15 | Is There a Direct Effect of Money?: Money’s Role in an Estimated Monetary Business Cycle Model of the Japanese Economy | Ippei Fujiwara | December 2003 |
03-14 | Availability of Higher Education and Long-Term Economic Growth | Akiomi Kitagawa, Ryo Horii, Koichi Futagami | November 2003 |
02-09-Rev. | Has Competition in the Japanese Banking Sector Improved? * Revised: Has the Competition in the Japanese Banking Sector Improved ? [02-09, 2002]
| Hirofumi Uchida, Yoshiro Tsutsui | September 2003 |
02-14-Rev. | The Effects of Peer Pressure and Risk Sharing on Incentives * Revised: Risk-Averse Agents with Peer Pressure [02-14, 2002]
| Kohei Daido | August 2003 |
03-13 | Peer Pressure and Incentives | Kohei Daido | August 2003 |
03-12 | Heterogeneous Yield Curves and Basis Swaps | Keiichi Tanaka | June 2003 |
03-11 | 岡山LRTの導入に関する公共サービス供給のあり方 | 橋本介三, 裘春暉, 宮塚透 | May 2003 |
03-10 | 協同組織金融機関の経営効率性 | 筒井義郎 | May 2003 |
03-08 | Has the effect of monetary policy changed during 1990s?: An Application of Identified Markov Switching Vector Autoregression to the Impulse Response Analysis When the Nominal Interest Rate is Almost Zero | Ippei Fujiwara | April 2003 |
03-07 | Output Composition of Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanism in Japan | Ippei Fujiwara | April 2003 |
03-06 | 奄美大島の観光価値に関する経済評価分析 | 裘春暉, 橋本介三 | April 2003 |
03-05 | 北部九州地区での地方銀行再生の経験と現代的意義 | 安孫子勇一, 吉岡孝昭 | January 2003 |
03-04 | Market Efficiency and International Linkage of Stock Prices: An Analysis with High Frequency Data | Kenjiro Hirayama, Yoshiro Tsutsui | January 2003 |
03-03 | パネル・データを用いた地域経済と地域金融に関する実証分析 | 安孫子勇一, 吉岡孝昭 | January 2003 |
03-02 | Tax-Financed Public Funds Injection into Banks and its Welfare Implications | Daisuke Ishikawa | January 2003 |
03-01 | A Periodic Review Inventory Model in a Random Environment | Hirotaka Matsumoto, Yoshio Tabata | January 2003 |
02-21 | Technological Progress May Reduce Welfare | Keisuke Hattori | December 2002 |
02-20 | Reconsideration of the crowding-out effect with non-linear contribution technology | Keisuke Hattori | December 2002 |
02-19 | 産業廃棄物のリサイクル事業と外部効果の推計 -関西電力のエコレンガ事業の事例を中心に- | 岡村薫, 裘春暉, 橋本介三 | November 2002 |
02-18 | GEMを用いたジェンダーの国際比較とその問題点 | 山内直人, 金谷信子 | October 2002 |
02-17 | Is the Government Failure Theory Still Relevant?: A Panel Analysis Using U.S. State Level Data | Yoshiho Matsunaga, Naoto Yamauchi | September 2002 |
02-16 | Cooperative Investments and Transfer Pricing | Atsushi Shiiba, Hiroji Takao | August 2002 |
02-15 | 個人内での選好の変化を考慮した市場構造分析 | 里村卓也 | August 2002 |
02-14 | Risk-Averse Agents with Peer Pressure | Kohei Daido | August 2002 |
02-13 | Peer Pressure and Incentives in the Workplace | Kohei Daido | August 2002 |
02-12 | The Stochastic Dynamics, Forecasting Ability and Risk Factors in Implied Volatility | Kazuhiko Nishina, Nabil Maghrebi | July 2002 |
02-11 | Japanese Corporate Pension Plans and the Impact on Stock Prices | Kazuo Yoshida, Yutaka Horiba | July 2002 |
02-10 | Competition in Japanese Securities Industry | Akiko Kamesaka, Yoshiro Tsutsui | June 2002 |
02-09 | Has the Competition in the Japanese Banking Sector Improved? | Hirofumi Uchida, Yoshiro Tsutsui | June 2002 |
02-08 | Optimal Natural Resources Management under Uncertainty with Catastrophic Risk | Motoh Tsujimura | March 2002 |
02-07 | Optimal Dividend Policy with Transaction Costs under a Brownian Cash Reserve | Masamitsu Ohnishi, Motoh Tsujimura | March 2002 |
02-06 | Existence of Equilibrium with Non-Convex Constraint Correspondences: Including an Application for the Default Economy | Ken Urai, Akihiko Yoshimachi | March 2002 |
02-05 | Why there isn’t a complete description of the human society II: The Society and Social Values | Ken Urai | March 2002 |
02-04 | Why there isn’t a complete description of the human society I: The Rationality and Individuals | Ken Urai | March 2002 |
02-03 | An Elucidation of Debt Neutrality and Equivalence with Tax Finance | Masatoshi Yamada | March 2002 |
02-01 | 個人間の地理的要因による製品普及特性 | 岡本隆 | January 2002 |
01-18 | 大学卒業生の英語能力と所得:日本社会にイングリッシュ・ディバイドは生じているか | 松繁寿和 | November 2001 |
01-17 | The Role of Public Capital on Regional Economic Development and Disparity in Thai Economy | Worawet Suwanrada | November 2001 |
01-16 | A Reconciliation of Optimal Tax Rules in a Dynamic Economy | Masatoshi Yamada | July 2001 |
01-15 | 大連経済技術開発区のインフラの整備状況と優遇政策動向 | 張 克, 橋本介三 | July 2001 |
01-14 | 開業、成長、廃業と雇用創出力 | 松繁寿和 | July 2001 |
01-13 | 中小・零細企業の経営における女性企業家の特徴 | 松繁寿和 | July 2001 |
01-12 | 起業後の成長を決定する要因 | 松繁寿和 | July 2001 |
01-11 | 賃金と査定に見られる成果主義導入の効果:企業内マイクロデータによる分析 | 梅崎 修, 中嶋哲夫, 松繁寿和 | July 2001 |
01-10 | Does manager voluntarily disclose private information?-A test of the basic model of full disclosure using experimental approach | Masayuki Ueeda | June 2001 |
01-09 | Dynamic Segmentation using Markov-Switching Model | Takuya Satomura | April 2001 |
01-08 | Dynamic Stability, Paradoxical Comparative Statics and Factor-Market Distortions in an Economy with Three Production Sectors | Murray C. Kemp, Masatoshi Yamada | April 2001 |
01-07 | 中国大連経済技術開発区における中小企業経営者 | 松繁 寿和 | April 2001 |
01-06 | 中国大連経済技術開発区企業における人材の現地化と内部労働市場 | 松繁 寿和 | April 2001 |
01-05 | 現地調達率と現地市場 | 橋本 介三, 裘 春暉, 松繁 寿和 | April 2001 |
01-04 | A Sufficient Condition for Consistent Majority Decision in an Economic Domain | Masatoshi Yamada | April 2001 |
01-03 | How Do the Japanese Define a Volunteer? Testing the Net Cost Hypothesis | Kiriko Asano, Naoto Yamauchi | February 2001 |
01-02 | 国立学校特別会計とその政策的評価 | Worawet Suwanrada, 前川 聡子 | February 2001 |
01-01 | On the “Exceptions” in the Establishing Bureaucratic Employment System in the German-Prussian State Railway in the 19th Century - A Social-Historical Approach to the Employment of the Railway Civil Servants (Staatseisenbahnbeamten) 1840-1870 | Ayumu Banazawa | January 2001 |
00-20 | 中国における分業型生産組織の有効性について――大連に進出した日系企業の活動を中心に―― | 橋本 介三, 裘 春暉 | December 2000 |
00-19 | Recent Competition in Japanese Life Insurance Industry | Toshiyuki Souma, Yoshiro Tsutsui | December 2000 |
00-18 | A Genetic Algorithm Approach for Design of Index Fund | Sangheon Han, Yoshio Tabata | October 2000 |
00-17 | The East Asian Path of Economic Development: A Long-term Perspective | Kaoru Sugihara | October 2000 |
00-16 | On the Index of Environmental Awareness | Tetsuo Ono, Yasuo Maeda | September 2000 |
00-15 | Long-run Neutralized Effects of International Transfers on the Environment | Tetsuo Ono, Yasuo Maeda | September 2000 |
00-14 | Exchange Rate and Stock Prices in Japan | Tetsushi Homma, YoshiroTsutsui, Uri Benzion | September 2000 |
00-13 | The Interdependence and Its Cause of Japanese and U.S. Stock Prices: An Event Study | Yoshiro Tsutsui | September 2000 |
00-12 | Are International Portfolio Adjustments A Cause of Comovements in Stock Prices? | Yoshiro Tsutsui, Kenjiro Hirayama | September 2000 |
00-11 | 東アジアにおける企業金融行動:金融システムおよび法環境に関する実証分析 | 塩谷 雅弘 | September 2000 |
00-10 | Confidence and the Real Economy: The Japanese Case | Atsuo Utaka | September 2000 |
00-09 | Stock Prices in Japan Rise at Night | Yoshiro Tsutsui | August 2000 |
00-08 | Geographical Segmentation in Japanese Bank Loan Markets | Masaji Kano, Yoshiro Tsutsui | July 2000 |
00-07 | 地域アドヴァンテージをどう見るか | 橋本 介三 | July 2000 |
00-06 | 1850年代初頭プロイセン鉄道業における「民主主義的」職員 | ばん澤 歩 | June 2000 |
00-05 | 指値注文の執行確率 | 宇野 淳, 大村 敬一, 谷川 寧彦 | June 2000 |
00-04 | 輸出自主規制とYano効果 -鉄鋼業の場合- | 秋山 修一 | May 2000 |
00-03 | Global Instability in Experimental General Equilibrium: The Scarf Example | Christopher M. Anderson, Sander Granat, Charles R. Plott, Ken-Ichi Shimomura | May 2000 |
00-02 | Social-Welfare Improving Inequalization: A Note | Masatoshi Yamada | April 2000 |
00-01 | Invariance and Uniqueness of the Equilibrium with Private Proposition of Public Goods | Masatoshi Yamada | February 2000 |
99-17 | Bank Bailout, Moral Hazard, and Allocative Efficiency | Yasuo Maeda, Akira Momota | December 1999 |
99-16 | A Stadard-based Solution to the Problem of Externalities when Enforecement is Imperfect | Singo Nagamatsu | December 1999 |
99-15 | The Minimum utility Assumption in a Temporary General Equilibrium Model with Bankruptcy | Akihiko Yoshimachi | October 1999 |
99-14 | Escape from Locke: British Political Economists on Tax Incidence | Takuo Dome | October 1999 |
99-13 | Appropriate Lag Specification for Daily Responses of International Stock Markets | Yoshiro Tsutsui, Kenjiro Hirayama | September 1999 |
99-12 | Efficient Lending and a New Aspect of Government Deposit Insurance Agency | Toshiyuki Soma | August 1999 |
99-11 | 中国の対外開放政策の現状について-大連経済技術開発区を中心にした事例分析- | 橋本 介三, 裘 春暉 | August 1999 |
99-10 | An Application of Professors Galor’s and Tsiddon’s “Technological Progress, Mobility and Economic Growth” | Shinji Miyake | July 1999 |
99-09 | Consumers’ Different Preferences and Firms’ Locations | Naotaka Horio | July 1999 |
99-08 | A Generalization of Continuity and Convexity Conditions for Correspondence in the Economic Equilibrium Theory | Ken Urai, Takashi Hayashi | May 1999 |
99-07 | 震災と家計資産に関する考察 | 永松 伸吾 | March 1999 |
99-06 | International Circumstances surrounding the Postwar Japanese Cotton Textile Industry | Kaoru Sugihara | March 1999 |
99-05 | Public Investment Rule in a Continuously Growing Economy Reexamined | Masatoshi Yamada | March 1999 |
99-04 | Price Analysis of Tradable Emission Permits of CO2 by a Real Option Model | Motoo Tsujimura | March 1999 |
99-03 | 公的金融の役割と現状 | 筒井 義郎 | March 1999 |
99-02 | 銀行の経営合理化 | 筒井 義郎, 竹内 哲治, 粕谷 宗久 | February 1999 |
99-01 | General Equilibrium Analysis of Demand-Creating Activities | Atsuo Utaka | January 1999 |
98-09 | Sir James Steuart on Taxation and Public Debt | Takuo Dome | October 1998 |
98-08 | Estimation of the Common and Country-Specific Shock to Stock Prices | Yoshiro Tsutsui, Kenjiro Hirayama | September 1998 |
98-07 | International Linkage of Stock Prices: Appropriate Lag Specification for Daily Observations | Y. Tsutsui, K. Hirayama | July 1998 |
98-06 | 日本産業の構造変革 | 橋本 介三 | July 1998 |
98-05 | 都市規模とごみ輩出傾向の実証分析 | 坂田 裕輔, 橋本 介三 | July 1998 |
98-04 | Establishing Group Dominance in Multicriteria Decision Problems with Incomplete Information | Eiji Takeda, Junko Satoh | April 1998 |
98-03 | An Extended DEA model: Appending and additional input to make all DMUs on the boundary | Eiji Takeda | March 1998 |
98-02 | Invariance, Increase and Decrease: A Generalization and Comparative Statistics of the Warr’s Theorem | Masatoshi Yamada | March 1998 |
98-01 | An Estimation of the Investment Thresholds at Large Japanese Manufactures | Yuzo Honda, Kazuyuki Suzuki | March 1998 |
97-25 | 介護保険のマクロ経済効果とその運営に関する一考察 | 大守 隆 | December 1997 |
97-24 | Intensifying International Linkage of Stock Prices: Cointegration and VEC Analysis | Kenjiro Hirayama, Yoshiro Tsutsui | December 1997 |
97-23 | A Comparative Analysis of Human Resource Management Between Japan and Malaysia in Automanufacturing Companies | Hooi Lai Wan | December 1997 |
97-22 | Education and Training in Automanufacturing Companies in Japan and Malaysia: A Comparative Analysis | Hooi Lai Wan | December 1997 |
97-21 | 今井保太郎氏談話録 | 阿部武司, 中村隆英, 谷本雅之 | November 1997 |
97-20 | A Generalization of Continuity and Convexity Conditions for Correspondences in the Economic Equilibrium Theory | Ken Urai, Takashi Hayashi | November 1997 |
97-19 | Bentham and J.S. Mill on Tax Reform | Takuo Dome | October 1997 |
97-18 | Ricard on Income Tax: A Note | Takuo Dome | October 1997 |
97-17 | A Reconsideration on Public Investment Criterion | Masatoshi Yamada | September 1997 |
97-16 | 国際賄賂行為規制と戦略的貿易政策 | 黄 良軍 | September 1997 |
97-15 | ケインズと現代経済:資産価格の視点からの展望 | 本多祐三 | September 1997 |
97-14 | The Development of the Putting-out System in Modern Japan: The Case of Cotton Weaving Industry | Takeshi Abe | July 1997 |
97-13 | The Effect of Incomplete Information on the Duopoly of R&D Joint Ventures | Yoshiro Iida | July 1997 |
97-12 | Threshold Effect in International Linkage of Stock Prices | Kenjiro Hirayama, Yoshiro Tsutsui | May 1997 |
97-11 | An Empirical Investigation of Cost Efficiencies in Japanese banking: A Non-Parametric Approach | Keiichi Hori | April 1997 |
97-10 | Restructuring – The New Zealand Experience | Richard Mulgan | April 1997 |
97-09 | Financial Restructuring in Australia | Kevin Davis | April 1997 |
97-08 | Privatization in Australia: the good, the bad and the awful | Stephen P. King | April 1997 |
97-07 | Do Banks Diversify Portfolio Risk: A Test of the Risk Cost Hypothesis | Sinnichi Hirota, Yoshiro Tsutsui | March 1997 |
97-06 | Factor-Market Distortion, Dynamic Stability and Perverse Effects Reconsidered | Masatoshi Yamada | March 1997 |
97-05 | Privatization of Japan National Railway | Kenzo Takeuchi, Ryu Imahashi, Hirotaka Yamauchi | March 1997 |
97-04 | Tobin’s as an Indicator of Rent Incumbents | Takashi Omori | March 1997 |
97-03 | Ricardo and J.S. Mill on Income Tax | Takuo Dome | February 1997 |
97-02 | Some Implication of the Basle Accord: The Case Study of Japan | Yuzo Honda | January 1997 |
97-01 | Japanese Life Insurance Industry in the Interwar Period | Yoshiro Tstsui, M. Sekiguchi, Tsutomu Chano | January 1997 |
96-12 | A Bank Panic with a Bond Market | Yasuo Maeda, Yoshikiyo Sakai | December 1996 |
96-11 | A Risk on Health Conditions and an Efficiency of Social Security Systems | Yasuo Maeda, Akira Momota | December 1996 |
96-10 | Labor Unionism and the Japanese Corporate Pension System | Yutaka Horiba, Kazuo Yoshida | November 1996 |
96-09 | Hierarchical Data Envelopment Analysis in Multicriteria Decision Problems | Eiji Takeda, Junko Satoh | October 1996 |
96-08 | International Duopoly, Tariff Policies and the Case of Free Trade | Yutaka Horiba, Shunichi Tsutsui | October 1996 |
96-07 | Technology Transfer and Management in East Asian Machine Tool Industries: Lesson Learned from the Japanese Machine Tool Industry | Masatsugu Tsuji, Mineo Ishikawa, Makoto Ishikawa | October 1996 |
96-06 | Technology Management in Eastern Europe in an Era of Transition: The Case of Hungary and Bulgaria | Makoto Ishikawa | September 1996 |
96-05 | Structure of Strong Substitutes | Masatoshi Yamada | September 1996 |
96-04 | The Interdependence and Its Cause of Japanese and U.S. Stock Prices: An Analysis Base on the Returns of Trading and Non-Trading Periods | Yoshiro Tsutsui | September 1996 |
96-03 | 中小企業集積地域の経済分析 -大田区、燕・三条地域、東大阪地域の比較分析を中心に- | 橋本 介三, 小林 伸生 | April 1996 |
96-02 | Public Goods and the Transfer Paradox in an Overlapping Generations Model | M. Yanagihara | March 1996 |
96-01 | Default and Renegotiation in Financial Distress in the Multiple Bank Model: An Analysis of the Main Bank System | Hiroshi Osano | March 1996 |
95-18 | CES Family of Homothetic Preferences: Continuity with respect to parameters | Hiroaki Nagatani | December 1995 |
95-17 | Index Fund and its Properties under Mean Square Error Tracking | Yoshio Tabata | December 1995 |
95-16 | Policy Response to Business Survey Indicators: a Case Study of Japan | Kanemi Ban | November 1995 |
95-15 | A Multiperiod 0-1 Mixed Integer Goal Programming Model (MMIGP) for Financing Problem | Ali A.A. Rostamy, Yoshio Tabata | November 1995 |
95-14 | An Evolutionary Model of Corporate Governance and Employment Contracts | Hiroshi Osano | October 1995 |
95-13 | The Impact of Changes in Defense Spending on the Japanese Economy | Kanemi Ban | September 1995 |
95-12 | Skill Transfer and Economic Growth | Katsuya Takii | August 1995 |
95-11 | 金融労働システム関係の制度的補完性・多様性と進化 | 小佐野 広 | August 1995 |
95-10 | Accountability Approach versus Decision Usefulness Approach. -How Different Are They? - | Hiroji Takao | December 1995 |
95-09 | A Game Theoretic Characterization of Monetary Equilibria in Perfect Foresight Double Infinity Economies | Ken Urai | November 1995 |
95-08 | Autoregressive Time Series | Oya Kosuke | July 1995 |
95-07 | An Optimal Tax Scheme to Finance Social Security in a Model with Endogenous Longevity | Yasuo Maeda, Nobuo Akai | July 1995 |
95-06 | Intercorporate Shareholdings and Corporate Control in the Japanese Firm | Hiroshi Osano | January 1995 |
95-05 | 新しい競争: 組織と市場ダイナミズム | 橋本 介三 | January 1995 |
95-04 | 明治前期における肥前陶磁器業の輸出戦略 | 山田 雄久 | January 1995 |
95-03 | Japanese Stock Returns and Investment: A Test of Production-based Asset Pricing Model | Keiichi Hori | March 1995 |
95-02 | 地域間環境格差の経済分析 | 赤井 伸郎, 大竹 文雄 | February 1995 |
95-01 | The Benchmark Issue Premium in the Japanese Government Bond Market: A Re-examination | Yuichi Fukuta | January 1995 |
94-17 | Keiretsu, Competition, and Market Access | Paul Sheard | December 1994 |
94-16 | A Comparison of Short-Term Interest Rate Models: Empirical Tests of Interest Rate Volatility | Mikiyo Kii | December 1994 |
94-15 | Do Stock Prices Link with Futures and Options?: A Cointegration Analysis | Mikiyo Kii | December 1994 |
94-14 | Price Relationships between Japanese Cities: Is Tokyo the Economic Epicenter of Japan? | Shinji Takagi, Tomoaki Nagata | November 1994 |
94-13 | A Cointegration Test of Long-run Purchasing Power Parity between Major Japanese Cities, 1951-1991 | Shinji Takagi, Yushi Yoshida | November 1994 |
94-12 | On Efficient Estimation and Correct Inference in Models with Generated Regressors: A General Approach | C. R. McKenzie, Michael McAleer | November 1994 |
94-11 | Breach of Contracts and Renegotiation in Corporate Takeovers | Hiroshi Osano | November 1994 |
94-10 | LM Tests for Unit Roots in the Presence of Missing Observations | Hiro Y. Toda, C.R. McKenzie | November 1994 |
94-09 | A Mechanism of Technology Development: The Case of the Japanese Textile Industry | Yasuo Maeda | October 1994 |
94-08 | Price Tier Effects on Competitive Structure in Japan | Ichiro Furukawa | September 1994 |
94-07 | Endogenous Life Spans | Nobuo Akai | September 1994 |
94-06 | Obitani Shoten: The Strategy and Structure of a Cotton Weaving Firm in the Sen’nan District of Osaka Prefecture | Takeshi Abe | August 1994 |
94-05 | 戦間期の生命保険の産業組織 | 筒井 義郎, 関口 昌彦, 茶野 努 | March 1994 |
94-04 | 東南アジア発展論を顧みる | 安場 保吉 | March 1994 |
94-03 | 日本経済史における資源 1800~1940 | 安場 保吉 | March 1994 |
94-02 | Optimality of a Competitive Equilibrium in a Small Open City with Congestion | Nobuo Akai, Takashi Fukushima, Tatsuo Hatta | March 1994 |
94-01 | Some Empirical Evidence on Demand System and Optimal Commodity Taxation | Seki Asano, Takashi Fukushima | January 1994 |
93-10 | Natural Resources in Japanese Economic History, 1800-1940 | Yasukichi Yasuba | January 1993 |
93-09 | Renegotiation-Proof Lotteries Equilibrium in an Economy with Private Information | Hiroshi Osano | December 1993 |
93-08 | The Bicriteria Optimization Problem of Designing an Index Fund | Yoshio Tabata, Eiji Takeda | November 1993 |
93-07 | 米市場開放の長期計画 | 安場 保吉 | November 1993 |
93-06 | 不況、日米関係と財政政策 | 安場 保吉 | November 1993 |
93-05 | The Pricing Decisions of Japanese Firms: An Empirical Perspective | Ichiro Furukawa | January 1993 |
93-04 | A Theory of Open Lotteries, Adverse Selection and the Pyramid | Toshihiko Hayashi | August 1993 |
93-03 | Assessing Priority Weights from Subsets of Pairwise Comparisons in Multiple Criteria Optimization Problems | Eiji Takeda, Po-Lung Yu | September 1993 |
93-02 | Fundamentals Uncertainty, Bubbles, and Exchange Rate Dynamics | Shinsuke Ikeda, Akihisa Shibata | October 1993 |
93-01 | Network Dynamics: Competition and Welfare | Toshihiko Hayashi | August 1993 |
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