教員 著作/論文
資料室の雑誌閲覧室 Staff Filesコーナーでは、経済学研究科の教員自身が選んだ最近の論文、代表的ペーパー、
論文タイトルがリンク付けされている場合は、オンラインで full text を読むことができます。
雑誌によっては abstract のみ閲覧可能の論文があります。
鴋澤歩Banzawa, Ayumu
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A Comparison of Railway Nationalization Between Two Empires: Germany and Japan The Development of Railway Technology in East Asia in Comparative Perspective, 2017, pp. 129-149. (Joint)
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The Development of Western Business History Research in Japan: With Reference to the Simultaneity with Research in Western Countries Japanese Research in Business History, vol.32, 2015, pp.11-36. (Joint)
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19世紀ドイツ・プロイセンにおける鉄道技術者の挫折 : ベルリン・フランクフルト鉄道建設におけるC.F.ツィムペル 『企業家研究』vol.8, 2011, pp.1-20.
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『ドイツ工業化における鉄道業』 有斐閣, 2006, 363p. (ISBN : 978-4641162754)
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地域性から見た一九世紀ドイツの金融市場 『社会経済史学』vol.58, no.5, 1993, pp.77-102.
Benjamin Poignard
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Sparse M-estimators in semi-parametric copula models Bernoulli, 2024, forthcoming. (Joint)
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Estimation of high-dimensional vector autoregression via sparse precision matrix The Econometrics Journal, vol.26, Issue 2, May 2023, pp.307–326. (Joint)
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High-dimensional sparse multivariate stochastic volatility models Journal of Time Series Analysis, vol.4, issue 1, 2023, pp.4-22. (Joint)
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Asymptotic theory of the adaptive Sparse Group Lasso Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, vol.72, issue 1, 2020, pp.297–328.
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Dynamic asset correlations based on vines Econometric Theory, vol.35, Issue 1, February 2019, pp.167-197. (Joint)
Chien-Tzu Cheng
堂目卓生Dome, Takuo
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『アダム・スミス 「道徳感情論」と「国富論」の世界』 中公新書 1936, 中央公論新社, 2008, 297p. (ISBN:978-4-12-101936-3).
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The Political Economy of Public Finance in Britain 1767-1873 Routledge studies in the history of economics 66, Routledge, 2004, 231p.(ISBN:0-415-40696-X).
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Sir James Steuart and a General Sales Tax History of Political Economy, vol.33, no.2, 2001, pp.345-367.
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Ricardo on Income Tax: A Note Cambridge Journal of Economics, vol.24, no.2, 2000, pp.237-244.
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Malthus on Taxation and National Debt History of Political Economy, vol.29, no.2, 1997, pp.275-294.
福重元嗣Fukushige, Mototsugu
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Limited Prosocial Response: Post-disaster Charitable Behavior of Public Sector Workers Kyklos, Vol. 74, No. 1, 2021, pp.77-102. (Joint)
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Efficiency and pricing of water supply and sewerage services in Japan Utilities Policy, vol. 62, February 2020, 100984.
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Modeling and Forecasting Hourly Electricity Demand by SARIMAX with Interactions Energy, vol.165, 2018, pp.257-268. (Joint)
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Rational Consumers International Economic Review, vol.57, no.1, 2016, pp.231-254.(Joint)
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Dissatisfaction with dwelling environments in an aging society: An empirical research for Kanto Area in Japan Review of Urban & Regional Development Studies, vol.27, no.3, 2015, pp.149-176.(Joint)
福田祐一Fukuta, Yuichi
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Value premium and implied equity duration in the Japanese stock market Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, vol. 39, November 2015, pp. 102–121. (Joint)
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The leading indicator property of the term spread and the monetary policy factors in Japan Japan and the World Economy, vol.28, 2013, pp.85-98. (Joint)
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Implied Volatility Smiles in the Nikkei 225 Options Applied Financial Economics, vol.23, no.9, 2013, pp.789-804. (Joint)
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An Empirical Analysis of Information in the Yield Spread on Future Recessions in Japan Applied Economics, vol.43, no.15, 2011, pp.1865-1881. (Joint)
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習慣形成を考慮した消費資産価格モデルの実証研究:バリュー効果への応用 『現代ファイナンス』no.26, 2009, pp.3-23. (Joint)
開本浩矢Hirakimoto, Hiroya
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心理的資本をマネジメントに活かす : 人と組織の成長を加速する「hero」を手に入れる 中央経済社 , 2023.9. 共著 (ISBN:9784502467912)
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対人援助業務人員の感情労働と心理的資本が組織定着と職務成果に及ぼす影響 『商工金融』, 72巻10号, pp.11-24. 共著
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クローズアップ識者に学ぶ: 心理的資本を知る 『日本政策金融公庫調査月報』No.156, 2021, pp.36-41.
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目標管理制度の運用と従業員の内発的モチベーションの関係 『日本労働研究雑誌』709号, 2019, pp.86-100.
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『研究開発の組織行動 ―研究開発技術者の業績をいかに向上させるか』 中央経済社, 2006, 242p. (ISBN:978-4-502-38380-9)
廣田誠Hirota, Makoto
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『近鉄・南海の経営史研究 : 兼業をめぐって』 五絃舎, 2021. 共著 (ISBN:9784864341233)
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『「わろてんか」を商いにした街 大阪 』 NHK出版, 2017. (ISBN:9784140817285)
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『日本とアジアの市場の歴史』 (市場と流通の社会史 ; 2) 清文堂出版, 2012. (ISBN:9784792409357)
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『近代日本の交通と流通・市場』 (市場と流通の社会史 ; 3) 清文堂出版, 2011. (ISBN:9784792409364)
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『近代日本の日用品小売市場』 (神戸学院大学経済学研究叢書15) 清文堂出版, 2007. (ISBN:9784792406233)
五十嵐未来Igarashi, Mirai
石黒真吾Ishiguro, Shingo
Relationships and Growth: On the Dynamic Interplay between Relational Contracts and Competitive Markets in Economic Development Review of Economic Studies, vol.83 (2): 629-657, 2016.
On the Optimality of Multi-tier Hierarchies: Coordination and Motivation Journal of Law, Economics and Organization,vol.28, 447-481, 2012. (Joint)
Collusion and Discrimination in Organizations Journal of Economic Theory,vol.116 ,no.2, 2004, pp.357-369.
Endogenous Verifiability and Optimality in Agency Journal of Economic Theory,vol.105, no.2, 2002, pp.518-530.
Moral Hazard and Renegotiation with Multiple Agents Review of Economic Studies,vol.68, no.1, 2001, pp.1-20. (Joint)
祝迫達郎Iwaisako, Tatsuro
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Optimal mix of R&D subsidy and patent protection in a heterogeneous-industry R&D-based growth model Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, vol. 154, September 2023, 104723.
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Welfare Effects of Patent Protection in a Semi-Endogenous Growth Model Macroeconomic Dynamics, vol.24, no.3, 2020, pp.708-728.
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Innovation by Heterogeneous Leaders The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, vol. 121, Issue4, 2019, pp. 1673-1704.(Joint)
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Product Cycles and Growth Cycles Journal of International Economics, vol. 105, 2017, pp.22-40. (Joint)
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Effects of Patent Protection on Optimal Corporate Income and Consumption Taxes in an R&D-based Growth Model Southern Economic Journal, vol. 83, Issue 2, 2016, pp.590-608.
笠原晃恭Kasahara, Akitada
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『実証会計・ファイナンス : Rによる財務・株式データの分析』 (ライブラリデータ分析への招待 ; 5) 新世社, 2022, 共著(ISBN978-4-8838-4349-7)
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Family firms’ dividend policies: Evidence from a Japanese tax reform Finance Research Letters, vol.45, 2022, 102199 (Joint)
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Empirical analysis of corporate tax reforms: What is the null and where did it come from? Journal of Financial Economics, vol. 135, 2020, pp.555-576. (Joint)
加藤明久Kato, Akihisa
加藤隼人Kato, Hayato
勝又壮太郎Katsumata, Sotaro
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『メガマーケティングによる市場創造戦略 : 携帯音楽配信サービス市場の誕生』 日本評論社, 2020, 244p.(ISBN : 978-4535-55944-8)
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『競争を味方につけるマーケティング -- 脱コモディティ化のための新発想』 有斐閣, 2016, 222p.(ISBN : 978-4-6411-6468-0)
葛城政明Katsuragi, Masaaki
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無知と富の経済哲学 ー 経済の社会存在論試論 『大阪大学経済学』vol.69, no.3, 2019, pp.1-21.
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経済学方法論と社会存在論 『大阪大学経済学』vol.66, no.4, 2017, pp.1-14.
金熙珍Kim, Heejin
高東也Koh, Dongya
松井博史Hiroshi, Matsui
松村真宏Matsumura, Naohiro
Shikakeology: designing triggers for behavior change AI & Society, vol.30, Issue 4, 2015, pp.419-429. (Joint)
メッセージの背後に潜む「問い」の抽出 『人工知能学会論文誌』vol.22, no.1, 2007,pp.93-102. 共著
NPOにおけるリーダーシップ行動の発見 『知能と情報』vol.18, no.2, 2006, pp.233-239. 共著
The Dynamism of 2channel AI & Society, vol.19, no.1, 2005, pp.84-92. (Joint)
2ちゃんねるが盛り上がるダイナミズム 『情報処理学会論文誌』vol.45, no.3, 2004, pp.1053-1061. 共著
三輪一統Miwa, Kazunori
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粗雑なシグナルか,精緻なシグナルか? : 逆淘汰防止のための経営管理ツールの構築に向けて 『メルコ管理会計研究』第12号-Ⅱ, 2021, pp.47-62. 共著
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Welfare Effects of Endogenous Information Acquisition and Disclosure in Duopoly Markets European Accounting Review, vol.28, no.5, 2019, pp.1011-1026
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新規参入企業に対するプレアナウンスメントの戦略的効果 『現代ディスクロージャー研究』第16号, 2017, pp.1-23. 共著
村宮克彦Muramiya, Katsuhiko
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『実証会計・ファイナンス : Rによる財務・株式データの分析』 (ライブラリデータ分析への招待 ; 5) 新世社, 2022, 共著(ISBN978-4-8838-4349-7)
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How cross‐shareholding influences financial reporting: Evidence from Japan Corporate Governance: An International Review, vol. 28, Issue 5, September 2020, pp.309-326. (Joint)
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『会計情報のファンダメンタル分析』 中央経済社, 2013, pp.175-228. 共著 (ISBN978-4-5024-7460-6)
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経営者が公表する予想利益の精度と資本コスト 『証券アナリストジャーナル』vol.43, no.9, 2005, pp.83-97.
西原理Nishihara, Michi
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The effects of asset liquidity on dynamic sell-out and bankruptcy decisions European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 288, issue 3, February 2021, pp.1017-1035. (Joint)
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Operating leverage and underinvestment Journal of Financial Research, vol. 42, issue 3, Fall 2019, pp.553-587. (Joint)
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Investment timing, reversibility, and financing constraints Journal of Corporate Finance, vol. 48, February 2018, pp. 771-796. (Joint)
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Asset sale, debt restructuring, and liquidation Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, vol.67, 2016, pp.73-92. (Joint)
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Interactions between Preemptive Competition and a Financing Constraint Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, vol.19, no.4, 2010, pp.1013-1042. (Joint)
西村幸浩Nishimura, Yukihiro
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Old age or dependence: Which social insurance? Journal of Public Economic Theory, vol.24, issue 4, 2022, pp.639-652. (Joint)
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Taxing multinationals: The scope for enforcement cooperation Journal of Public Economic Theory, vol.23, issue 3, 2021, pp.487-509. (Joint)
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Education choices, longevity and optimal policy in a Ben-Porath economy Mathematical Social Sciences, vol.94, 2018, pp.65-81. (Joint)
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A note on equilibrium leadership in tax competition models Journal of Public Economics, vol.121, 2015, pp.66-68. (Joint)
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Redistributive Taxation and Social Insurance under Adverse Selection in the Insurance Market International Tax and Public Finance, vol.16, no.2, 2009, pp.176-197.
西脇雅人Nishiwaki, Masato
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Horizontal Mergers and Divestment Dynamics in a Sunset Industry RAND Journal of Economics, vol. 47, no. 4, Winter 2016, pp.961-997.
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Are Losers Picked? An Empirical Analysis of Capacity Divestment and Production Reallocation in the Japanese Cement Industry Journal of Industrial Economics, vol. 61, no.2, 2013, pp.430-467. (Joint)
太田亘Ohta, Wataru
東京証券取引所における株式取引 : 2001年から2003年 『大阪大学経済学』. vol.57, no.4, 2008, pp.242-262.
大竹文雄Ohtake, Fumio
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『あなたを変える行動経済学』 東京書籍, 2022. (ISBN : 9784487815432)
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『行動経済学の使い方』 岩波新書 ; 1795, 岩波書店, 2019. (ISBN : 9784004317951)
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『医療現場の行動経済学 : すれ違う医者と患者』 東洋経済新報社, 2018. (ISBN : 9784492315071)
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『競争社会の歩き方 : 自分の「強み」を見つけるには』 中公新書 ; 2447, 中央公論新社, 2017. (ISBN : 9784121024473)
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『経済学のセンスを磨く』 日経プレミアシリーズ ; 274, 日本経済新聞出版社, 2015. (ISBN : 9784532262747)
恩地一樹Onji, Kazuki
Taxes and the Choice of Organizational Form in Late Nineteenth Century Japan Journal of Economic History, vol.77, no.2, 2017, pp.440-472. (Joint)
Capital Injection, Restructuring Targets and Personnel Management: The Case of Japanese Regional Banks Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, vol.26, no.4, 2012, pp.495-517. (Joint)
The Response of Firms to Eligibility Thresholds: Evidence from the Japanese Value-Added Tax Journal of Public Economics, vol.93, no.5-6, 2009, pp.766-775.
小野哲生Ono, Tetsuo
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Generational Distribution of Fiscal Burdens: A Positive Analysis International Economic Review, Vol.65, 2024, pp.393-430. (joint)
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International Coordination of Debt Rules with Time-inconsistent Voters Journal of Public Economic Theory, Vol. 25, 2023, pp.29-60. (joint)
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Intergenerational Policies, Public Debt, and Economic Growth: A Politico-economic Analysis Journal of Public Economics, Vol.166, 2018, pp.39-52. (joint)
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Political Economy of Taxation, Debt Ceilings, and Growth European Journal of Political Economy, vol.68, June 2021, 101996. (joint)
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Inequality and Education Choice International Tax and Public Finance, 2020, vol.27, pp.980-1018. (joint)
大屋幸輔Oya, Kosuke
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インプライド・モーメントがもたらす情報:VIXは何を伝えているのか 『現代経済学の潮流 2019』, pp.99-125, 2019年8月.
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周波数領域における時系列間の因果性の変化の検証 『日本統計学会誌』. vol.44, no.1, 2014, pp.19-40. (Joint)
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Financial instability and the short-term dynamics of volatility expectations Applied Financial Economics, vol.24, no.6, 2014, pp.539-547. (Joint)
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Model-Free Implied Volatility: from Surface to Index International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, vol.14, no.4, 2011, pp.433-463. (Joint)
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Estimation and Testing for Dependence in Market Microstructure Noise. Journal of Financial Econometrics, vol.7, 2009, pp.106-151. (Joint)
Pierre-Yves Donzé
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Luxury Business Business and Management, Aug 2017. (Joint)
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European luxury big business and emerging Asian markets, 1960-2010 Business History, vol.57, 2015, pp.822-840.(Joint)
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『「機械式時計」という名のラグジュアリー戦略』 世界文化社, 2014, 288p.(ISBN978-4-418-14601-7)
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Organizing global technology flows : institutions, actors, and processes Routledge, 2014, 265p.(ISBN:978-0-415-84390-4)
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Siemens and the business of medicine in Japan, 1900-1945 Business History Review, vol.87, Iss.2, 2013, pp.203-228.
Saisawat Samutpradit
佐藤秀昭Sato, Hideaki
佐々木勝Sasaki, Masaru
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Can child benefit reductions increase maternal employment? Evidence from Japan Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, vol.66, December 2022, 101231. (Joint)
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Synchronized job transfer and task-specific human capital Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, vol.56, June 2020, 101075. (Joint)
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Measuring Customer Discrimination: Evidence From the Professional Cricket League in India Journal of Sports Economics, vol. 21 Issue 4, May 2020, pp.420–448. (Joint)
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Migration and natural disaster: Ex-ante preparedness and contribution to ex-post community recovery Migration Studies, vol. 7, Issue 2, June 2019, pp.220–244. (Joint)
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The Long-Term Impacts of the 1998 Nagano Winter Olympic Games on Economic and Labor Market Outcomes Asian Economic Policy Review, vol. 11, Issue 1, January 2016, pp.43-65. (Joint)
椎葉 淳Shiiba, Atsushi
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Under What Conditions Does the Manager Withhold Segment Information? Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, vol.38, issue 4, Ocober 2023, pp.1009-1038. (Joint)
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Management Earnings Forecast and Financial Statement Complexity Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, vol.42, issue 4, July–August 2023, 107072. (Joint)
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ESG指標に基づく経営者報酬に関する基礎的調査 : 有価証券報告書における開示情報に基づいて 『關西大學商學論集』第67巻第3号, 2022年12月, pp.37-61.(共著)
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Management Earnings Forecasts as a Performance Target in Executive Compensation Contracts Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, vol.35, issue 1, 2020, pp.139-167. (Joint)
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営業部門における業績評価とICTの関係について 『メルコ管理会計研究』vol.9, no.1, 2016, pp.15-28. (Joint)
竹内惠行Takeuchi, Yoshiyuki
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Anthropological Research Methods In Business Administration : Migration And Translation Within the Social Sciences Enterprise as an Instrument of Civilization, vol.4 of the series Translational Systems Sciences pp.107-116
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On a statistical method to detect discontinuity in the distribution function of reported earnings Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, vol.4, Issue 1, 5 January 2004, pp.103-111
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Estimation in Dynamic Regression with an Integrated Process Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, vol.49, no.2, 1996, pp.279-303. (Joint)
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Trends and Structural Changes in Macroeconomic Time Series 『日本統計学会誌』vol.21, no.1, 1991, pp.13-25.
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わが国における実質賃金の決定について 『経済学論集』vol.55, no.2, 1989, pp.77-85. (Joint)
谷﨑久志Tanizaki, Hisashi
On Estimation of Almost Ideal Demand System Using Moving Blocks Bootstrap and Pairs Bootstrap Methods Empirical Economics,vol.47, no.4, 2014, pp.1221-1250. (Joint)
Volatility Transmission between Japan, UK and USA in Daily Stock Returns Empirical Economics, vol.36, no.1, 2009, pp.27-54. (Joint)
A Simple Gamma Random Number Generator for Arbitrary Shape Parameters Economics Bulletin, vol.3, no.7, 2008, pp.1-10.
Nonlinear and Non-Gaussian State-Space Modeling with Monte Carlo Techniques: A Survey and Comparative Study Handbook of Statistics, vol.21: Stochastic Processes: Modeling and Simulation (C.R. Rao and D.N. Shanbhag, Eds.), chap.22,2003,pp.871-929.
Bias Correction of OLSE in the Regression Model with Lagged Dependent Variables Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, vol.34, no.4, 2000, pp.495-511.
浦井憲Urai, Ken
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General Equilibrium Model for an Asymmetric The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, vol.18, no.1, 2017, pp1-14 (Joint)
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Replica core limit theorem for economies with satiation Economic Theory Bulletin, Vol.5, no.2, 2017, pp 259-270 (Joint)
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Fixed Point Theorems and the Existence of Economic Equilibria Based on Conditions for Local Directions of Mappings Advances in Mathematical Economics, vol.2, 2000, pp.87-118.
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On the Existence of Equilibria in Economies with Infinitely many Agents and Commodities Journal of Mathematical Economics, vol.23, no.4, 1994, pp.339-359.
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On the Existence of Pareto Optima and Interest Competitive Equilibria in the Generation-Overlapping exchange Economy The Economic Studies Quarterly, vol.41, no.3, 1990, pp.235-246.
上須道徳Uwasu, Michinori
渡辺周Watanabe, Shu
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エージェンシー理論におけるエージェンシーの偏:経営者の認知・情報処理に注目した企業統治論へ向けて 『日本経営学会誌』54号, 2024, pp. 65-79.
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強い監視による看過の増幅:コミットメント・エスカレーションに役員が与える影響 『組織科学』vol.50, no.4, 2017, pp.54-65.
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経営者の属性が企業の意思決定に与える影響:操作変数の開発によるメカニズム了解への接近 『一橋商学論叢』vol.10, no.2, 2015, pp.2-18.
Wirawan Dony Dahana
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Cross-industrial study on satisfaction-commitment-PWOM linkage: The role of competition, consumption visibility, and service relationship Journal of Business Research, Vol.160, 2023. (Joint)
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Behavioral changes of multichannel customers: Their persistence and influencing factors Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 58, 2021.(Joint)
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How do search ads induce and accelerate conversion? The moderating role of transaction experience and organizational type Journal of Business Research, Vol.116, 2020, pp.324-336.(Joint)
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Linking Lifestyle to Customer Lifetime Value: An Exploratory Study in an Online Fashion Retail Market Journal of Business Research, 99, June, 2019, pp.319-331. (Joint)
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Influence of Individual Characteristics on Whether and How Much Consumers Engage in Showrooming Behavior Electronic Commerce Research, 18(4), 2018, pp.665-692. (Joint)
許衛東Xu, Weidong
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日台ビジネス・アライアンスの諸形態と対中経済連携の活性化 : 「一帯一路」戦略の展開下における市場機会の分析を中心に 『アジア太平洋論叢』, vol.21, 2019, pp.77-104. (Joint)
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中国内陸地区的経済発展与日企的投資動向 『現代「中国」の社会変容と東アジアの新環境』, 社会科学文献出版社, 2012, pp.521-537.
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海南島の農業, 雲南における農業的土地利用とその地域的特色 『熱帯中国 ―自然そして人間』, 古今書院, 1997, pp.205-250, pp.339-383. (ISBN : 4772213392)
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グローバル化時代における中国経済空間の変容と東アジア分業体制 『共進化する現代中国研究 : 地域研究のための新たなプラットフォーム』, 大阪大学出版会, 2012, pp.61-89. (ISBN : 978-4872593945) (Joint)
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実験地域から成長の極へ―華南 『中国―世界地誌シリーズ2』, 朝倉書店, 2012, pp.61-89. (ISBN : 978-4872593945)
山本千映Yamamoto, Chiaki
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『日本経済の比較史』 放送大学教材, NHK出版, 2024年, 谷本雅之編著. (分担執筆: 第3章, pp.52-71., 第5章, pp.95-116. )(ISBN: 978-4595324758)
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『イギリス産業革命期の子どもと労働 : 労働者の自伝から』 法政大学出版局 , 2022年. ジェーン・ハンフリーズ著,(原伸子・山本千映・赤木誠・齊藤健太郎・永島剛訳)(ISBN: 978-4-588-64548-8)
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『グローバル経済の歴史』 有斐閣アルマ, 2020年, 424p. 共著 (ISBN: 978-4-641-22148-2)
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Two Labour Markets in Nineteenth-Century English Agriculture: The Trentham Home Farm Staffordshire Rural History, vol.15, no.1, 2004, pp.89-116.
安田洋祐Yasuda, Yosuke
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『「2030年日本」のストーリー : 武器としての社会科学・歴史・イベント』 東洋経済新報社 , 2023.3. 共著.(ISBN:978-4-492-50341-6)
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DX推進と規制改革、エビデンスに基づく政策決定の重要性 国際経済交流財団編著『広義の経済安全保障を実現する進化型産業政策の必要性 』(第3章, pp.63-72. ). 2022年12月.
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『そのビジネス課題、最新の経済学で「すでに解決」しています。 』 日経BP , 2022.4. 共著.(ISBN:978-4-296-00066-1)
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『零基礎通識知識筆記』 中国科学技术出版社, 2020年. 共著.(ISBN:978-7-5046-8761-6)
「これからのビジネスマンに絶対必要な教養 テクノロジー見るだけノート」中国語版 - ●
『「学問」はこんなにおもしろい! 憲法・経済・商い・ウナギ』 星海社, 2014, 220p.(ISBN:978-4-061-38552-8)