
  1. Nobuhiko Terui and Wirawan Dony Dahana (2006), "Price Customization Using Price Thresholds Estimated from Scanner Panel Data," Journal of Interactive Marketing, Vol.20, No.3.
  2. Nobuhiko Terui and Wirawan Dony Dahana (2006), "Estimating Heterogeneous Price Thresholds," Marketing Sceince, Vol.25, No.4, Juli-August 2006, pp.384-391.
  3. Wirawan Dony Dahana and Nobuhiko Terui (2006), "Reference Price Formation Model for Heterogeneous Consumer," Discussion Paper TM&ARG, Graduate School of Economics and Management Tohoku University, No.76.
  4. Wirawan Dony Dahana and Nobuhiko Terui (2006), "A Threshold Choice Model and Its Application to Pricing Strategy," 東北大学大学院経済学研究科, 研究年報, 第68巻第1号.
  5. Wirawan Dony Dahana (2005), "非対称市場反応を考慮した市場構造分析," 東北大学大学院経済学研究科, 研究年報, 第67巻第4号.
  6. Nobuhiko Terui and Wirawan Dony Dahana (2004), "Estimating Heterogeneous Price Thresholds: An application to Customization Strategy," Working Paper(TM&ARG), Graduate School of Economics and Management, Tohoku University, No.69.
  7. Wirawan Dony Dahana and Nobuhiko Terui (2004),"消費者セグメンテーションと価格カスタマイゼーション戦略,"東北経済学会誌, 2004年度版, pp 44-48.
  8. Nobuhiko Terui and Wirawan Dony Dahana (2003),"A Threshold Choice Model for Asymmetric Market Response and Segmentation,"Working Paper(TM&ARG), Graduate School of Economics and Management, Tohoku University, No.67.