2023 Fall-Winter Term --- Econometrics II (Thurs. 8:50-10:20, Fall-Winter Term, for Graduate Students)
This class is based on Statistics and Econometrics, which are provided by Undergraduate School of Economics,
and Basic Statistics and Econometrics I, provided by Graduate School of Economics.
However, we sometimes review them in the class.
Face to face Class
Classroom: Room #1 (1 番講義室), Building for Lectures of Law and Economics Departments (法経講義棟)
Date: Thur., 8:50-10:20
References ---> not textbooks
W.H. Greene (2012), Econometric Analysis (7th ed.)
J.D. Hamilton (1994), Time Series Analysis
Wang Xin (王 馨,オウ ケイ): u459048k [at] ecs.osaka-u.ac.jp
2023/11/28 (Tue. ) (*) Thur. Class ---> 8:50-10:20
2023/11/30 (Thur.) Homework (Due: 10:20AM, 2023/12/21) ---> Name List for HW1
If you have passed your answer sheet to me or sent it to me but o has not been checked yet in your student ID, please let me know. (17:30PM, Dec. 23, 2023)
2023/12/21 (Thur.) Homework No.2 (Due: 10:20AM, 2024/1/25) ---> Name List for HW2
If you have passed your answer sheet to me but o has not been checked yet in your student ID, please let me know. (12:45PM, Jan. 30, 2024)
2023/12/28 (Thur.) ---> (Winter vacation)
Place: Room #1 (1 番講義室), Building for Lectures of Law and Economics Departments (法経講義棟)
Exam coverage: From the beginning to the end of this class
60-70% are from the questions which are similar to the homeworks.
During the exam, you cannot put anything on the desk except tools of writing and the student ID.
Result (2024/02/03 16:00PM)
Average: 71.52 out of 110 points
If you want to know your score and see your answer sheet, you can visit my office (Room #347)
after sending an email to me (tanizaki [at] econ.osaka-u.ac.jp) and taking an appointment.
Final Evaluation
Basically, Final Exam only
However, additional points are given by two homeworks.