Web Site for
Advanced Econometrics I (undergraduate) &
Econometircs I (graduate) of 2013SY

Providing information of the class through this WEB pgae.
Students who take this class are expected to browse reguraly.

Course Plan (at 8/1)

The day represented bold letter shows finished contents, and the day represented normal letter shows planned contents.

# dates contents of the class corresponding pages
in the textbook
other assignment
1 April 10
Attention for the students
§0. Introduction
 0.1 What is econometics
 0.2 The structure of this class
[Additonal reference]

(PDF file)
2 April 17 §1. Foundation of set theory
 1.1 Basic concept of sets
 1.2 Sequence of sets
 1.3 Family of sets
§2. Probability and probability space
 2.1 Probability and probability space
Chap 1.2
(pp. 3-10)
Chap 1.3
[Additonal reference]

(PDF file)
#01(PDF file)
3 April 24  2.1 Probability and probability space (cont'd)
 2.2 Conditonal probability
 2.3 Independence of events
Chap 1.4
(PDF file)
#02(PDF file)
May 1 Cancel the class because of Icho-Festival
4 May 8 §3. Random varibalbes
 3.1 What are random variables.
 3.2 Distribution function
 3.3 Joint distribution function
Chap 1.5-1.7
Chap 2.1
(PDF file
#03(PDF file)
5 May 15  3.4 Conditional distribution function
 3.5 Transformations of random variables
Chap 2.2-2.3
(PDF file)
[Correction of Assignment #04]

#04(PDF file)
corrected ed.

Answer #01(PDF)

Answer #02(PDF)
6 May 22 §4. Mathematical expectations
 4.1 Idea of expectations
 4.2 Various expectations
 4.3 Expectations of random vectors
Chap 1.8-1.9
(PDF file)
#05(PDF file)

Answer #03(PDF)
7 May 29  4.4 Inequalities concerning expectations
 4.5 Conditional expectations
 4.6 Characteristic functions
Chap 1.10
Chap 2.3
[Additional reference]

(PDF file)
[Date for Mid-term Exam]

#06(PDF file)

Answer #04(PDF)
8 June 5 §5. Stochastic distributions
 5.1 Discrete distributions
Chap. 3.1-3.2
(PDF file)
#07(PDF file)

Answer #05(PDF)

Answer #06(PDF)
9 June 12  5.2 Continuous distributions Chap 3.3
(pp.156-159, 161-163)
Chap 3.4
(PDF file)

#08(PDF file)

Answer #07(PDF)
10 June 19 Mid-term Exam   [Coverage of topics in the Mid-term Exam] Answer of
Mid-tem Exam
11 June 26  5.2 Continuous distributions (continued) Chap 3.5
Chap 3.3
Chap 3.6
(PDF file)
#09(PDF file)

Answer #08(PDF)
12 July 3 §6. The law of large numbers and the central limt theorem
 6.1 Convergence of functional sequences
 6.2 The concept of stochastic convergence
 6.3 Order of magnitude in random sequences
Chap 5.1
Chap 5.2
[Additonal reference]

(PDF file)
#10(PDF file)

Answer #09(PDF)
13 July 10  6.4 The law of large numbers
 6.5 The central limet theorem
Chap 5.3
[Additional reference]

(PDF file)
#11(PDF file)

Answer #10(PDF)
14 July 17  6.6 The derivation of the LLNs and the CLTs
   by Characteristic Functions
§7. Markov chain
 7.1 Basics of Markov chain
 7.2 Properties of Markov chain
[Correction of HandOut #09]

(PDF file)
#12(PDF file)

Answer #11(PDF)

Answer #12(PDF)
15 July 24 Final Exam [TA session on the commentary of the Final Exam]

Supplementary notes, etc.

#01 April 10, 2013

[Addtional reference]
  The article on the emergence of econometrics which I introduced in the class is
     Frish, R. (1933), "Editor's Note," Econometrica, Vol.1 (1), pp.1-4.
  In addition,
     Roos, C.F. (1933), "Constitution of the Econometric Society," Econometrica, Vol. 1 (1), pp. 106-108.
     Christ, C.F. (1953), "History of the Cowles Commission 1932-1952," in Cowles Commission for Research
       in Economics eds., Economic theory and measurement; a twenty year research report, 1932-1952,
       U. of Chicago. (available from http://cowles.econ.yale.edu/P/reports/1932-52.htm )
  are also existed.
  On the relation among philosopy of science, economics, and econometrics, please read
  Chap.6 "Progress in Economics" of
     Dow, S.C. (2002), Economic Methodology: an inquiry, Oxford U.P. ,
  for example.
  For the history of econometics,
     Morgan, M.S. (1990), The history of econometric ideas, Cambridge U. P.
  is higly recomended.

#02 April 17, 2013

[Additional reference]
  The following books would be helpful for reviewing Today's class.
    Chapter 1 of Davidson, J. (1994) Stochastic Limit Theory, Oxford Univ. Press.
    Chapter 1 and 2 of Jacod, J. and Protter, P. (2004) Probability Essentials, Springer.
    Chapter 1 of Bierens, H.J. (2004) Introduction to the Mathematical and Statistical Foundations
                   of Econometrics
, Cambridge Univ. Press.

#05 May 15, 2013

[Correction of Assignment #04]
  A student who takes the class has pointed that there is an incomplete questions in the Assignment #04.
  The downloadable pdf file has already been corrected.
  If you have the old file, please correct the Q1 as follows;

  “Suppose X and Y are random variables …”
  should be
  “Suppose X and Y are mutually independent random variables …”

  For this correction, the due date and the place for submission should be changed as follows;

  Original: At the end of the class, May 22, 2013. Submit at the classroom
  Changed: 17:00 of May 24, 2013. Submit at Office of the Educational Affairs.

#07 May 29, 2013

[Additional reference]
  The following books would be helpful for reviewing Today's class.
    Chapter 9, 10, and 11 of Davidson, J. (1994) Stochastic Limit Theory, Oxford Univ. Press.
    Chapter 13, 14, 23 and 28 of Jacod, J. and Protter, P. (2004) Probability Essentials, Springer.
    Chapter 3 of Bierens, H.J. (2004) Introduction to the Mathematical and Statistical Foundations
                   of Econometrics
, Cambridge Univ. Press.

[Date for Mid-term Exam]
  The Mid-term Exam will be held at June 19, 2013.
  Students who want to have credit of this class should come to the classroom unitl 1:10pm.
  The Exam will be hold at 1:15pm - 2:25pm (70min).

#10 June 19, 2013

[Coverage of topics in the Mid-term Exam]
  In the Mid-term Exam, possible questions will be covered topics which are taught up to #07.
  In particular, topics which are taught from #04 to #07 are put much weight.

#12 July 3, 2013

[Additional reference]
  The following books would be helpful for reviewing Today's class.
    Chapter 18 and 19 of Davidson, J. (1994) Stochastic Limit Theory, Oxford Univ. Press.
    Chapter 17 and 18 of Jacod, J. and Protter, P. (2004) Probability Essentials, Springer.
    Chapter 6 of Bierens, H.J. (2004) Introduction to the Mathematical and Statistical Foundations
                   of Econometrics
, Cambridge Univ. Press

#13 July 10, 2013

[Additional reference]
  The following books would be helpful for reviewing Today's class.
    Chapter 14, 20, and 23 of Davidson, J. (1994) Stochastic Limit Theory, Oxford Univ. Press.
    Chapter 19 and 20 of Jacod, J. and Protter, P. (2004) Probability Essentials, Springer.
    Chapter 6 (6.6 & 6.7) and 7 of Bierens, H.J. (2004) Introduction to the Mathematical and Statistical Foundations
                   of Econometrics
, Cambridge Univ. Press

#14 July 17, 2013

[Correction of HandOut#09]
  A student who takes the class has pointed that there are typos in the HandOut#09.
  The downloadable pdf file has already been corrected.
  Please replace the page 7 of old version by the page 7 of corrected version. (PDF file)

#15 Junly 24, 2013

[TA session on the commentary of the Final Exam]
  Extra TA session (by Mr. Kinoshita) will offer the commentary of the Final Exam.
  The TA session will be held at 13:00-14:30, August 8, 2013 (Lecture room #4).

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